Dammed Demons

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Chapter 3

Warnings: Spoilers

Shinobu's POV

Me and Y/N were waiting for Kanae to get home. It was starting to get late so me and Y/N went to the woods to find her. As we were going more into the forest, Y/N stops and her eye widen. "What, why are you stopping-", I stop talking immediately when I see Kanae on the ground with blood dripping out of her mouth. Me and Y/N run towards her and hold her body in our arms. Y/N was holding her body up and I was holding her hand. Y/N started to cry and I started to cry as well. "Sister, Sister!", I scream and Kanae closed her eyes with tears streaming down her face. "Please don't leave us", Y/N mumbles in between her sobs. However, Kanae's eyes had already closed and I felt her pulse. Nothing. Me and Y/N sobbed even louder. I took her cloak and sword and I gave Y/N her hairclips. "Those damn demons", Y/N mumbles loud enough for me to hear. Once we had buried Kanae, we put a flower on the slightly lifted dirt and left to go back home with tears in our eyes. As soon as we were back home, Me and Y/N started to breakdown again. Kanao came over and tilted her in confusion. "What happened?", Kanao asks with a hand on Y/Ns shoulder. "Kanae, she-she's dead", Y/N says and Kanao's eyes widen. She frowns with sadness in her eyes and she brings Y/N and I into a hug. We didn't get much sleep that night.

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