Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"And you blush blue, is that-"

"Normal? Yes," I said. "I'm blue-blooded, though I am the farthest thing from royalty." I let out a huff, drawing my knees up to my chest. I stared down at the little pieces of bread on my plate. That's how I felt...unmendable. Like all my important parts were shredded to pieces and now I was scattered and didn't know how to get back to myself anymore.

"That's corny," Gray muttered, grinning. He raised his glass to me. "To the corny snow queen."

"Har-har," I muttered, propping my chin onto my legs. I had done it before, multiple times, but once again I let my eyes sweep over his room. There were no more weapons anymore, Gray must have done away with them while we were with Sable. He didn't trust me, which made sense, but was still annoying. The door was locked the moment we entered, with a key that Gray had put into the front of his pants, in a very theatrical manner, might I add. The window was locked shut with bars and any manner of weapon was gone. Any attempt at arming myself or escape was hopeless.

I heard a groan from Gray and saw him shifting in his seat, snoring away. If I shattered that bottle and used it to swipe his throat he'd never know. I felt my throat grow tight at the thought. I wasn't a killer. The terrified face of Raven as she fell into the water below flashed through my mind. Maybe I was. But regardless, I couldn't do it again.

Instead of breaking it then, I slipped the mostly empty bottle out of his limp hand and drained the rest, letting the warm, fruity wine dance over my tongue and down my throat. I felt its warmth travel down into my stomach, before disappearing entirely. Warmth only lasted so long, cold was forever. Or at least for me it was.

I hid the wine bottle under the bed, where he wouldn't be able to see it. And then grabbed a blanket from the bed. I sure as hell wouldn't be sleeping in a bed that Gray Brandt had slept in before.

I shook out the blanket before placing it on the floor next to the bed. I laid down and closed my eyes, an image of gray iris's flashed behind my eyelids and I groaned, trying to suppress any thought of Sable from my mind. I had just started to feel the buzz of alcohol before I was whisked away by sleep.

"You're not staying," I glanced from Sable to Gray, watching the two cousins have a staring competition right on either side of me. It was intense to be in the middle of that. I had half a thought to step away from them but I felt pinned.

"I feel that I should," Gray said. "Eira feels more comfortable with me than she does with you." I let out a snort that had both boys whipping their heads towards me. My cheeks practically glowed blue and I dipped my head down before they could see it.

"You think I care for her comfort?" Sable asked. Of course not, why would he?

"You should, she'll be a part of your cadre soon-"

Gray was interrupted by Sable taking a step forward, angling his head down to stare at his cousin. "She will never be a part of my cadre," he growled. Gray paled, his eyes flickering over to me. At that point, they might as well have been speaking gibberish considering I had no idea what they were talking about. Did they mean the cadre Elda was talking to me about before? The one with the fae with otherworldly abilities. I'd fit in but...but being a part of that murdering group sounded like a nightmare.

"But-" Gray started, licking at his lips.

"Go," Sable growled. "And don't return unless I say. The king has declared the girl is mine. Not yours. Regardless if you keep her in your bed." I sucked in a sharp breath. Did Sable really think Gray and I were sleeping together? I had been here for one night. One night! And not to mention, I had been taken against my will. My thoughts this entire time had been of escape not of erotica.

Forged in Frost and Fire (Book 1 in the Chronicles of Kings trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now