December 2012: Cookies

Start from the beginning

“Do you…want some company?” I say quickly, before I can properly think my question through.  I look up at Tom, and he breathes out softly.

“Yes. Sure.  I’m going to go change.  Do you want to grab some wine? And meet me upstairs?” He asks, gesturing to the kitchen.  I nod, feeling a bit too relieved that he didn’t totally reject me. 

“Okay.” I agree and turn quickly. 

I grab a bottle of red and two glasses from the empty kitchen.  Mrs. Hiddleston is in the small room off the kitchen with her neighbors, and I can hear them talking quietly. 

Dear Mrs. H, I promise I’m not going to go defile your son. Not this time.  This time, I’ll be good.  I promise. Amen, forever and ever, etcetera.

I grab a bag of cookies as I leave the kitchen and then I make my way up to Tom’s room.

He doesn’t have his door closed, but it’s cracked.  I stop just outside, and just inside the sliver of an opening, I can see Tom.  He has his back to me, and he’s shirtless.  He has on sweats, which are hanging so low on his narrow hips, I’m surprised they haven’t fallen off.  I hold my breath, feeling like the ultimate creep, but I can’t quite bring myself to knock.  Not just yet.  He pulls a tshirt on, and then turns and reaches for the waist of his pants, pulling at the drawstring.  Okay. Okay. Enough.

I reach forward, tapping lightly with the back of my knuckles. 

Tom opens it a second later, looking relaxed and a little bit tired.

“Fancy meeting you here.” He grins and then lets me into his room.  It’s the same as it always looks.  A single lamp on toward the far end of the room, casting a golden glow.  His big, wide bed covered in pillows and a dark blue comforter.  His suitcase sitting on the floor, a few of his things scattered around the room. 

“This is for you. And I brought these as well.” I hand him the bottle of wine, and then hold up the cookies.  Tom’s eyes light up and he breaks into a happy, almost childlike grin.

“You brilliant girl.” He sighs and reaches to grab the bag, but I hold it back out of his reach with a laugh.

“Wine first.” I say, setting the cookies on his nightstand.  He nods obediently, and takes the two glasses from me.

“Did you have a good time at the lighting?” He asks, his voice casual and carefree.  He glances over at me as I take a seat on the edge of his bed.

“I did. Very festive.” I say, not sure what else to say without bringing up the mysterious Kelly.  I’m dying to ask. “How about you?” I ask, as Tom hands me a glass of wine.

“Great. Very festive.”

Well, this is getting us nowhere fast.  I’ve known the man for two years, and yet I’m struggling to have a coherent, interesting conversation with him. 

“How’s work?” I ask. I might as well as him about the weather, while I’m at it.

“Hectic. A little stressful, all the traveling. But I’ve got some good news recently.” He sits down next to me, his thigh bumping into mine.  Tom looks over, his face expectant and excited.


“I’ve just signed on for a play at the Donmar at the end of the year.  Which means I’ll be able to stay in London for a good bit of time.” He looks at me happily, his eyes wide.

“That’s amazing!  That’s a big deal.” I raise my glass, and we clink them together.

“It really is. And it’s Shakespeare so…” He trails off, looking thrilled and a bit mystified.  “I’m so excited.  But you’re the first I’ve told. I haven’t told mum yet, or Em. I didn’t want to tell them unless I was sure it would happen.  And just before break, I got the confirmation.” He laughs and then runs a hand over his jaw.  “It’s going to be a brutal show, but I’m just so excited for it.”

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