Chapter 3: Reunions - Old and New

Start from the beginning

"Yuffie? Is that you?" A soft female voice spoke up from the on the rit, drawing everyone's attention as a door was heard creaking open.

"What's all the commotion about?" a grumpy voice asked causing the group to look over to the left staricase were the voices came from.

Foorsteps could be heard approaching as three emerged from around the corner. The first one was a beautiful young lady, with long, braided, light brown hair, tied by a red ribbon and bright green eyes. She wore a pink dress with magenta lining and buttons going down the front, all of which are buttoned except for the last two. She has a black string tied in the same fashion as the one on her belt around her neck like a necklace. She also had a loose, lilac belt around her waist with black string tied into a bow on it, and brown boots.

The second one was a well-built man, with short, brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a white t-shirt, black jacket with red lion/cross shape on the sleeves, and long black pants, as well as boots and gloves of dark leather. His hair is shorter, though, and a lighter shade of brown.

The third and final figure was an older man, with blond hair, goggles and and a toothpick in his mouth He had a necklace, a white tee-shirt, baggy blue pants, a tan belly-warmer, gray socks and black shoes.

"What have I told you about doing that, Yuffie?" The brown-haired man asked in a deep voice, as he pinched in between his eyes.

"First off, it's a force of habit..." Yuffie stated, as if it was common sense. She then gestured to the group behind her. "Second, I have guests, like I said! Some new and others you know!"

"Guests?" The three adults all spoke as they turned their gazes to down the stairs to see group of colorful teenagers that appeared new around her, along with two very familiar face among them.

"Yo!" Aptus said with causal nod.

"Hey guys!" Ky spoke up with a bright grin, with a wave as he stepped forward. "Long time no see!"

Upon seeing Aptus and Ky in what felt like forever, surprised lit up on the three adults faces.

"Well, look who's finally came to visit" The blonde man comments around the thin wooden toothpick he's currently chomping to the bit.

"Ky! Aptus!" The female brunette exclaimed cheerily, jumping over the staircase before running over to the teens and bringing them into a tight hug. "It's so good to see you two again!"

"Ugh, choking...not breathing!" Ky wheezed out.

"Anymore hugs like that and I'll be extinguished!" Aptus breathed out in agreement.

"Oh! Sorry" Aerith apologized with a giggle as she let go of the two boys. who were able to regain their breathing. Surpried but mostly amused by this, the Beacon group snickered quietly.

"I knew it," The brown-haired man spoke, gaining everyone's attention. He made his way down the flight of stairs and looked vaguely smug. "I knew it would only be a matter of time."

"Yeah, you two are like weeds that pop up no matter what ya are" the blond male muttered playfully, earning deadpan looks from Aptus and Ky.

The young woman frowns at the blond old man as well, but quickly returns her happy gaze to the duo. "What he means is...we've all missed you both very much."

"Same here." Ky chuckled and sent her a smile only to have his face grabbed by the brunette. She pulled him closer as she inspected the scare over his eye, with a shocked and worried gaze.

"What happened, Ky?" she asked, running a finger across the scarover his eye. "How did you get this?"

The teen nervously laughed. "Well, I got into a fight, when I was visiting my mom with Ruby. Then, long story short, we got our butts handed to us by some guy called Xerxes. If it wasn't for our team and Aptus we wouldn't have made it."

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