As the story went on she explained what growing up together was like and getting to know her as the blind bandit and eventually the story came to an end "....that's my perspective though, if you want Toph's perspective that might take a bit of convincing" She laughed nervously. Katara smiled and awwed softly while Sokka smiled towards her genuinely "That's such a sweet story (Y/N)" Katara clasped her hands together before Aang called out to them causing Toph to slowly wake up.

The siblings looked over Appa's saddle to see an island completely covered in black rock and a volcano towards the back of the island, (Y/N) let go of Toph causing her to slump down into the saddle "Hey are we here?" Toph asked (Y/N) with (Y/N) letting out a small yes towards her Appa landed on the ground and Katara looked confused "But, there's nothing here." They all jumped off Appa with Toph correcting her as she felt the vibrations of the earth "Yes, there is. An entire village, hundreds of houses ... all completely buried in ash."

They all walk around for a bit until Aang comes upon a peak on the land of ash and sits down at the peak, looking toward the sunset in his meditating position. Everyone else on the other hand were sitting on the lower parts of the peak waiting for Aang to finish up, mostly just talking to each other, (Y/N) eventually went up to walk around a bit alone. Although the place was just ash she felt a connection to it, as if she knew this place but that wasn't possible this place must have been covered in ash for many many years. But it still felt like something...she didn't know what.

The sound of footsteps alerted her but she knew exactly who it was, she softened up as Toph stood beside her just looking aimlessly in front of her but (Y/n) she was here for a reason. A couple seconds of silence passed and the young earthbender sat down on the ground dragging (Y/N) with her "OW!" She yelled as she fell to the floor with a huge thud, she rubbed her side and Toph let out a stifled laugh "wow really just from that?".

(Y/N) poked her temple, irritating Toph and using her earthbending to send her up into the air a little landing on her back this time "Stop!! I know you're here for a reason, what do you want?" she said, saying a little annoyed now and Toph chuckled "Can't I just sit and just hang out with you?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and shook her head "I don't believe you".

Toph chuckled and raised her hands up defensively "You're right, Katara and Sokka wanted you back, but I mean I feel kinda offended that you don't think I don't want to hang out with the one person I care about more than the world" she said punching her arm as they both stood up and began walking toward the original spot where the group was, (Y/N) laughed and softly held her hand "Sorry but I know when you're genuine and when you're not".

Another laugh was heard from her and shrugged "I guess so" they walked back to the camp and it seems that Aang had come back to his senses and was waiting for the couple to join them, they all crowded around him while Aang explained what happened. Everyone with a confused look on their face Katara was the first to speak out "You mean, after all Roku and Sozin went through together, even after Roku showed him mercy, Sozin betrayed him like that‌?" Toph shrugged and sighed "It's like these people are born bad." (Y/N) punched her arm and she quickly corrected "It's like these people are born bad except for one"

Aang shook his head softly in disagreement "No, that's wrong. I don't think that was the point of what Roku showed me at all." They all looked confused apart from (Y/N) who smiled a little at Aang as he continued on his explanation "Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? And even if (Y/N) wasn't raised in the fire nation still doesn't mean she turned out like Sozin or anyone like that. If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance. And I also think it was about friendships.

Everyone bowed their heads in a moment of silence to have a good think about it, until Toph broke the ice with one simple question "Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?" Aang smiled and took her hand "I don't see why not?" (Y/N) smiled and added in "I think the same way with love as well, I can't explain it but something about this island is somewhat familiar but also unknown like it was a bad memory. But i think it's one person in particular that my mind keeps flipping back to when i get this feeling....You"

Toph smiled towards her and took (Y/N)'s hand softly in her own, Katara held onto(Y/N)'s hand and of course Sokka had to ruin the moment "Well, scientifically speaking, there's no way to prove that ..." The whole group rolled their eyes and Katara just shouted at him to join the hand holding as they all looked off towards the vast ocean with (Y/N) feeling a small squeeze from Toph's hand, causing the firebender to smile and squeeze back....


Hey everyone this is SpicyH here, I feel like doing something cool today so I'm going to let you guys ask some questions to the one and only couple (Y/N) and Toph!!!

Just leave your questions here and I'll happily get them to answer in a separate chap :D


You can ask anything eg. What's your favourite feature about each other?

Toph: Do we have to do this?

SpicyH: Yes.

(Y/N): Aw come on it'll be fun!!

But anyways have fun and see you soon!!!

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