Chapter 18 Facing them

Start from the beginning

I stood up and looked at him fully. Now that I thought of it he didn't look older than twenty-five. His midnight hair was combed back in a classy way and his Armani suit fit him well. It was strange to see someone that held himself so highly in a dump like this. But now that I thought it over this man can wear even the most expensive close and I will still consider him a piece of shit.

"I'm here now," I said looking from my uncle to him. "Now let her go."

"First things first," he said as he walked closer to me. "My name is Steven Adam's it's finally a pleasure to introduce myself Kristen."

"How do you know my name," I asked.

"Oh I know everything about you Kristen," he said as he reached to touch my face I took a step back and glared at him. He smiled and let his arm fall at his side.

"You know nothing of me," I hissed.

"Oh but I do. In fact I know how your old pack treated you, how your mate rejected you," he took a step closer and whispered into my ear. "How your parents died a slow and painful death."

A pang of pain passed through my heart and tears threatened to come out. But I stood my ground and stared back at him with hatred.

"I'm here, now let my friend go," I told them both.

They both looked at each other and laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing," he said as he took a step back. "Just."

"Just?" I asked.

"Just that you thought that I would keep my promises," he said as he made a gesture.

"What!" I yelled as I was ready to punch him. A rouge took both my arms and held them behind my back. I thrashed and kicked yet the rogue held onto my arms with a stronger hold.

"Oh, my dear Kristen have you not learned anything. You should never trust a rogue," he said as he grinned at me.

I spit at his face when he took a few steps closer to me. Next thing I knew a sharp pain was felt across my face. He had slapped me!

"Take her to the cells, maybe later she'll remember her manners"

I was about to say something when a small yelp was heard from the side. I turned to see this buff looking rouge that had picked up Lucy rudely causing her pain. He now carried her now limp body from where they had brought her earlier.

"Let her go, please," I pleaded. "Can't you see she's hurt, she needs help." They just looked at me and laughed.

I no longer held the tears back throwing myself on the floor and losing my dignity I pleaded, yet all they did was laugh.

Steven walked up to me and held my chin in his big, rough hand, "that girl," he said pointed at the door that the rogue and Lucy had left through. "Is my only chance at getting what I want. If I have her I have you."

Anger rose and all I wanted to do at that instant was tear him apart. The rogue ran up to me and tried to hold me back but I side kicked him making him fall in pain. Steven took a few steps back just avoiding my fist that would have collided with his chin.

"You'll pay!" I screamed and I was ready to attack.

I felt a small prick on my left side and looked at the one who had shot me with a dart gun. I turned my attention back to Steven and my uncle who looked at me with smug faces.

I tried to take a step closer but I began to feel dizzy, my legs felt like they weighed a ton each, the world began to spin and I could not stand up right anymore.

"What did you do to me," I asked as I began to slip back to the floor.

"Just a strong enough dose of wolfsbane to calm you down, weakness you and any power you might have is canceled out. It also knocks you out for a while," Steven said as he took a step closer.

"You son of a bitch," I tried to say with enough strength but darkness began to cloud my mind and my body began to feel heavy.

I tried to stand up and walk up to them but instead stumbled and fell back down.  

A rouge picked me up and began to take me to what I believe the cells were.

"Sleep tight, love," Steven said with a chuckle.

I turned to look at him and flipped him off. I tried to speak but all that came out was mumbling.

I turned back to look at the rouge carrying me, he had a scar on his right cheek and a bit of stubble on his chin. He was intimidating, but I knew I could take him if I just had my strength. My eyes began to close I fought to keep them open, but the wolfsbane won and last thing I knew I was being put down on a cold cell floor.




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Love you all until the next

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