Loops of Hair

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This story contains M/F, Female Pred, Male Prey, Soft, unwilling Vore with sexual themes.

What started out as an exciting night at the club for Maze, has now turned into more of a nightmarish situation. She somehow went from dancing her brains out, and having fun with a stranger, to now being in the visceral jaws of a giant within the span of 10 hours.

Maze smiled at the man across the bar, who seemed to be growing ever more interested by the second. His large stature, deep brown hair and thick beard was one to drool over, and those black eyes of his were nothing short of incredible. With each passing drink, the mysterious man grew closer. Sometimes it would be by simple chair movement, before it evolved to him straight up walking to her backside and pressing his crotch about Maze's back. The woman, shorter in her own ways, quickly seemed to accept this invitation of an exciting night. She reached down, gently cupping the man's obvious arousal in the palm of her hand, before leaning up on her toes to press a kiss to his chin. The communication had been received. A night of fun was to be had. Claiming her with a firm, dominating grip to her hand, the large man led her outside of the bar, and down the forested road. Before Maze could ask what was going on, it was clear that the man was heading back to a cabin in the woods, a common place to stay during the harsh winter.

That night consisted of raw, exciting sex, which lasted hours upon hours, eventually leaving Maze exhausted. The woman's long black hair draped over the heaving chest of the man below her, his still throbbing cock releasing the rest of it's seed inside of her as she grinded down and against his balls.

"...You--~ didn't even warn me you were cumming." The woman mumbled out, her eyes hazed over with raw sex to even care about potentially being bred to this beast. The mysterious man merely shrugged, tilted his head up and puffed at his half lit cigarette, riding out his orgasm as waves of his own seed pooled from the woman's womb.

Maze smiled to herself, exhausted from the fun as she gently leaned down of the man's chest, his pulsing cock still snugly inside of her, attempting to seal all of it's cum inside. "Mm~ I've not met one to breed women so eagerly.. I hope you know that you're screwed if I'm pregnant.." She hissed playfully into his unflinching ear. A large hand came down to her hips, then gently to her cheeks, massaging into them and slowly pushing her down fully onto his dick. The black haired woman let out a mewl of pleasure, closing her eyes as this unknown, unnamed man claimed her. Something about him was so captivating, yet, she didn't know why..

During the night, Maze would keep her position on the mystery man's cock, every so often riding it, feeling the last of his hardness. Although eventually in the night, he must have slipped off and away from her, placing her somewhere different. In the morning, the black haired beauty slowly stretched. Her body was tired and lightly abused, cum drooled from her womanhood as she slowly adjusted herself on the blankets below her...If, there were blankets to grab. Her fingers gently twisted around something more stringy, more wire-like. And the bed below her seemed to gently pulse. Brown eyes slowly opening, Maze took in the light of her situation. The mystery man was still here. A nice, happy change from the usual. Where men would come, have fun, and not even stick around for breakfast. The man was here, that was for sure..but he wasn't how Maze remembered. Gone was the tiny farmhouse that the man had led her to, and gone was the beautiful bed that they laid on. Instead, it was replaced by the enormous, towering body, of a giant. Standing at at least 150 feet tall, the mystery man now slept within the forest of the old cabin.The Cabin had been crushed by his intense weight, and multiple trees now bended from his size. Maze looked down to where she was, seeing that her body had been firmly pressed flush to his stomach. She tried to move, but something was holding her down. I'm an idiot! Of course he was a shifter. Maze thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. The huge stature, the black eyes, the hair! It reeked of a shifter, or, giants, as they were sometimes called.. The woman mewled to herself as again, she tried to push herself up, not understanding of what was pinning her down to his gut. It wasn't until a very low, gutteral moan from the man did it peak an idea.. The woman paused, and gently began to wiggle her hips up against whatever was pushing her down, and then, she felt it. Throbbing. Hot. She was pinned by his cock. Maze had to admit, this was quite hot, but being with a shifter was dangerous. They could crush her at any moment if so wanted. So, bit by bit, the woman began to shimmy her way out from under the hard member, feeling it twitch and pulse with every foot of movement. The dark haired bear of a man let out a low growl,lip curling as a hand went up to gently wrap around his cock. Maze turned, watching the thick fingers envelop the shaft of his large member. It began to slowly jerk it, up and down. The veins pounding against the thin skin, no doubt begging for someone to breed again. The woman sat there, entranced by the huge cock, wanting nothing more than to go and claim it again herself, but, she resisted. But it seems as though even with such big brown doe eyes, Maze coulnt see what was coming next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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