Chapter 4

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Wes stared up at his brothers in shock. They had been living at Oakwood manor with their mother for the past five months. The servers all left when they heard Lord Thomas Brodrick's nephew would employ them. For the past three months the brothers have been interviewing new servers, and they brought the ones from Brodrick's house with them.

Unfortunately, this decision was not about servants, tendinitis, farmland or housing. No, this was about spending a season in London, finding a bride.

"Have you both gone mad?" Wes asked. "All three of us could not possibly attend. That is just mad."

"Come now Wes, you are not being fair." Martha said with symphony. "The will states that you must find a bride and you have just seven years to do so. That is not much time."

"Yes Mother, that part I understand. I have also concluded that we will have to share a bride. I am willing. For I find the female breed complicated and confusing to me." Wes stated. "But what I do not understand is why all three of must attend the season. Lee has always gone. I think we should leave it to him to find us a bride."

"Not a chance, brother." Les spoke out. "What if she is ugly and can not..." he paused, looking for the right word, "Understand politics or hold a meaningful conversation? You must come with us. We must all agree when we find the right girl."

"Pray tell how now will we ever pull it off?" Wes inquired, "I'll tell you how. We won't! Some poor soul will find us out. We will lose this manor, respect our title and the house."

"We have fooled all the new servants and some older ones." Lee pointed out. "Please Wes, come with us, we have disguises."

"Do we have names?" Wes questioned.

"We use the ones mother gave us." Les said with a smile. He then pointed to each brother, "Les, Lee and Wes. It's not that hard, really."

Wes sighed, not liking the plan or going to London. He would rather sit at home by the fire or in the garden depending on the weather and read. "Mother, will you be attending London with us?"

"I will. I long to see Belle and I hear Mae is expecting." Martha beamed. "I long for a grandchild."

With a heavy heart, Wes gave into his brother's demands. There was great cheer and excitement as the manor prepared to leave for London in the next fortnight. Martha sent Les to York for new suits. She sent Lee to Leeds, while Wes got his thing in town. Martha wrote to her daughters who lived in London, asking for a visit with a party of four including servants.

It was not long before trunks were all packed and the Brodrick group set off. Wes laughed when Lee returned with a blonde wig and glasses. He looked nothing like Wes or Les.

"My name is Edmond. Nice to meet you chaps." Lee said in a dignified way that was nothing like him. Wes tried hard to hold his laughter but found it hard. When Lee returned, he had showed his brothers a strawberry blond wig that had a ponytail in the back.

"Good day, my lords, it's fine weather we are having thus evening. Care for a dance milady?" Les asked, extending his hand to Wes. Wes could not contain it any longer as his laughter bursted right off him.

"Its was brilliant what a simple wig could do. You two look and are acting ridiculous." Wes jestered. With Les in the blonde wig and glasses and Lee in the wig with a small ponytail, the three boys looked nothing alike. They pass for brothers or cousins, but not triplets.

"Igor Wes, your disguises are brilliant." Martha beamed. "We must test this upon Belle. She is the only one who can tell you three apart."


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