Chapter 11 - Mornings suck

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Danny was uncomfortable, clutching his blanket as he slept, groaning in distress. He had a frown on his face and his eyes were held tightly shut, his hair fell into his face, sticking to his skin from sweat.

Danny's Dream
Maddie and Jack walked through the forest, they had a ghost radar, tracking the ghostly energy that resonated in the forest of Amity Park, the moved past branches and brush, sometimes falling, they followed their radar until they found a young boy, he was playing by himself in the forest, leaves crunched under their feet, alerting the boy, he turned to them, looking at them in fear. He looked to be 8 years old, His baby blue eyes were piercing and his pale skin looked sickly, radiant with an odd glow, black bangs fell into his eyes, obscuring his sight for a moment and that was the perfect time for Maddie to run over and tackle, holding him close as she stood up and went back to Jack.

"We've found it, we need to get him back to the lab." Maddie told her husband, he agreed, curious about the little boy they found, she suspected he was possessed. The Fenton's took him back to their lab, glad that Jazz was at school. They brought the boy down to the lab and set him on an operation table, locking him in place with restraints, Maddie took a blood sample, deducting he was human. She continued with tests, but the boy showed no ghostly anomalies, he wasn't screaming to be let go or trying to turn intangible to fly away, he was instead quiet, whimpering occasionally when Maddie picked up a new tool, like a scalpel or scissors, she looked over to Jack, who was examining the blood from the boy and the ectoplasm they found earlier and were tracking in their radar.

"It matches but it's two completely different blood samples, maybe it's the ghost inside of him?" Jack guessed, if the blood was the same he'd be able to build a machine to help the boy avoid being overshadowed, or possessed. He began to work on it, creating a chip, he did ask the GIW for supplies since they had more stable technology than he and Maddie did, Maddie stopped studying him, sewing up the large Y incision on his torso, she put her tray of tools in a decontaminating tub and started to ask the boy questions, such as his name and age.

Jeff scowled in his sleep, his glamour vanishing for the night, since he himself wasn't awake the glamour had no need to be up as he knew he was with his family, though he did miss the others from The Mansion.

Jeff's Dream
"Danny? Danny?!" Jeff was afraid, Danny always came to him if he called, he ran out into the forest from the mansion, hoping he just might've gotten lost. He looked until nightfall, unable to find Danny, Masky and Hoodie had to drag him back into the mansion since he kept try to go to the forest.

"Slendy, please! I need to look for him, you're connected to the forest, you have to know where he is!" The Slenderman's face creased as if he frowned, Danny was one of the youngest of the inhabitants of the mansion, Slenderman knew Danny wasn't in his forest and he didn't have a way to track him since he hadn't absorbed enough residue energy the Slenderman left wherever he went.

"I'm sorry Jeffery, I can't track him, but I can create wards around the forest so this doesn't happen again, no one here can look for him either since we don't know what happened, but I suspect someone took him, though I don't know where they came from, I'm sorry..." Jeff looked broken hearted, he sighed and nodded, going to his room, it felt empty now since he and Danny normally shared the room. Neither boy knew they wouldn't see each other for the next 8 years.

"Sir Danny and company, are you awake?" Danny growled softly, the gentle knocks on the bedroom door were enough to wake him up, he pushed the blanket off of him and stood up, rubbing his eyes as he went to the door, he opened it and looked at the servant, her green skin glowed with ectoplasm and her hair was a gentle blonde, she wore a dark blue dress, she was barefoot and small, an easy target for a hungry and partially asleep Danny, he nodded and took her hand, quickly pulling her into the room, his tired eyes were almost shut again and he growled, pushing her against the wall, he opened his mouth, teeth gleaming where fangs slowly started growing, he leaned over her and was about to bite into her neck but he was pulled away by Jeff, who held his shoulders, his glamour fizzling into existence.

"Get out of here!" Jeff hissed to the girl, who flew out of the room, closing the door behind her, he suspected she'd be afraid of Danny for a while now. Jeff shook Danny, trying to wake him up more, it worked, allowing him to let his brother go and grab one of his bottles, he shoved it into his hands and gently smacked the back of his head.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Jeff scowled, watching his younger brother drink from the plastic bottle, clutching it since his half life depended on it.

"I'm sorry..." Danny mumbled from behind the bottle, Jeff sighed and shook his head, going to wake the rest of the group, he pulled the blanket off of Ben and Tucker and pushed them off of the bed, they landed on Sam and woke with a scream, Sam pushed the two boys off of her and groaned, throwing her pillow at Tucker, who for some reason was still screaming.

"Shut the fuck up Tucker!" Sam ordered, getting him to quiet down. She went to the door and opened it, looking outside to see some of the class leave their rooms, a few servants standing by their doors, she looked to the Fenton's room and saw that no ghost was around, they were ghost hunters so she wasn't surprised.

"Let's get breakfast, I'm hungry." Tucker said, he uncovered Ben, who was still stuck in Sam's blanket and left the room, the gaming ghost trailing behind and admiring the castle, he didn't really need a glamour, but had changed his clothes to a bright green hoodie, brown hiking boots and jeans with brown splotches on them that was likely Blood. Sam followed them silently and Jeff grabbed Danny's arm, dragging him out of the room before heading to the Fenton's room.

"J- Dad? mom? It's time to get up." Danny said, he opened the door and held his drink close, looking around in the room, it looked normal, the bed was made and everything was set in the correct place, but neither parent was in the room.

"Fuck!" Danny snarled, he threw down his bottle, the mixture of blood and ectoplasm spilling on the floor, he looked around the hallway, trying to figure out where the Fenton couple might be, the ground shook suddenly and an enraged roar echoed through the castle, everyone looked toward the noise and dread settled in Danny's stomach when he figured out where it came from. They were in Dora's room.

Into the woodsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ