13 - My heart hurts

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Day 13 - My heart hurts

He asked me if I believe in love so I told him.

Earlier today.

These questions were so basic, easy to answer. Favorite music genre's, hobbies, past relationships— all the normal shit. Though why is it that his last question was so peculiar; "Let's cut to the chase. I wanna know somethin' about you Kiyoomi but that doesn't mean you have to answer." It's not until those words I felt something bubble inside me. I had a pretty good guess about what he would've asked me but it appears that the world is never on my side. "Do you..believe in love?"

I chuckled. I could've laughed but I restrained myself straight away. "I like that." Atsumu tipped his head to the side at my random words.

"Like what?" I watch him as he sinks further and further into his spot on the couch. Mutely locking my plain black pupils on his vibrant brown pupils— I look into them with a huskies stare.

"The way you said it, said love; ..I liked it." The air around closed in on us like we were in a small box and our silence was so loud, it spoke a million words. "The answer to your question is a maybe. There's a slim possibility that I might be feeling things for someone yet my mind can't seem to apprehend that." I was straightforward with my words.

We sat in silence for a while before he spoke again. "It's me— you like me don't you?"

 "It's me— you like me don't you?"

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