3 - Terushima

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sorry if theres some errors. i originally made this to be the second chapter but i copy and pasted it and saved it for later and then made it into the third chap, i also didnt read over it so im sorry if some things dont make sense!!!



DAY 3 - Terushima 

Today was friday. Friday! I couldn't get Atsumu and I's conversation from Wednesday out of my head so I for sure wouldn't forget the douche bag he mentioned who harassed him on friday's. So yeah I showed up to the bar and guess who showed up? 

The douche.

So I did what I do best, protect.

Earlier at the Ladylight Bar 

"Hey, yer back! And here I was thinking you left town or somethin'." The cheerful man joked. 

"And why would I do that?" I imitated his goofy smile and calmly swooped over to the marble counter where he was ragging off the wet cups. The bar was basically empty considering what time it was, the radiant sunlight beaming through the windows lit up the whole bar. 

"Oh I don't know, maybe you got bored and decided to pack yer things and go." He said in a singing tone, batting his eyelashes while shrugging. 

"I don't think I'd ever get bored of-" 

Everyone knows the feeling of when you're out having fun, running around and laughing, truly enjoying every minute, but then it starts to rain. 

"Crap.." I look up from fiddling with my nails when Atsumu mumbles. "Just- try ignoring him. He goes away when he doesn't get attention." My bouncy curls were in the way so I only saw Atsumu's grip grow tighter around the glass, his knuckles going white.

"Miyaaaa, whazzap!" My eyebrows perk up at the unsettling presence, turning my head to see a slim but fairly muscular blonde guy. When he spoke you could see some of the spit falling out of his mouth because of that tongue piercing that popped out time to time. 

"Do you know this guy..?" I move my bangs to the side and worriedly look up at Atsumu who looked like he was shitting bricks. His lips formed into a pout and he was undeniably trying to contain himself from looking at the loud man.

"What're you guys whisperin' about over here?!" He dove into the counter, elbows first. His whole body barged into mine almost knocking me off the chair. The entire time, his lustful eyes were stuck on Atsumu. 

Could this be the guy he was talking about? 

"Can you back up, sir?" 

He side-eyed me in the meanest way possible so I did the same. "You're a real grumpy one aren't you? Look I'm just tryna-" 

"Sleep with someone who obviously doesn't want you around them? Terushima." His name rolled right off my tongue. I'm pretty sure it was him, I recognize a thirsty dog anyday.

"How do you- know my name?" His body shifted around and he dragged his arms off the table. He turned his gaze from Atsumu to me then back to the bartender. "Oh I see. You're telling your friends about me now, huh sugar?" 

"Were you not taught simple manners or what? Take a hint, he doesn't like you so you should leave." I start to stand up. 

"Listen mask boy," 

"I'm not a boy." It was real easy to size this frat boy up. Not to mention how he was shorter than me and talking all big and bad. 

"Watch your tone, man." 

"Or what?" I ruffle my hand through my hair. Hell yeah I was overprotective, but that's a good thing. I won't just watch someone get catcalled but look crazy uncomfortable right in front of me. Germaphobe or not, I know what's wrong and what's right. 

"I'll knock those pretty teeth-"

"Terushima, get out or I swear to god I'll call the cops on you." We both went silent and looked at Atsumu who looked distressed, super out of it. 

"Tsk. This isn't over fuckface." Before leaving the twig flipped me off. I shake my head in disgust, like really, who in the world does something like that.

My thoughts were disturbed when I heard heavy breathing. "Hey, relax. Don't pay any mind to that douche bag, he's all talk no bark." I plop onto the transparent stool and lean over the smooth counter, far enough so he could see my face under him when he peeped through his red hands stuck to his face.

"I'm sorry for putting you through that..I- know how uncomfortable you must've felt when he bumped into you- I'm such a bad person, oh my gosh.."

I giggle when his hands fall from his face to reveal the red marks he caused by pressing his hands onto his face for too long. "Come on now, you know that's not true. I did it because I wanted to protect a friend. Plus, it was worth it."

Friend. The word friend can only go so far. If a friend is someone who makes your heart go ecstatic with one smile then yes, Atsumu is my friend.

 If a friend is someone who makes your heart go ecstatic with one smile then yes, Atsumu is my friend

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