sakusa's character sheet !

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Name: Kiyoomi Sakusa

Birthday & Age: March 20, 23

Traits; candid, athletic, impulsive, independent, ambitious, diligent

Ethnicity/From?: White — Canada

Closest friends: Komori (Cousin) , Miya Atsumu

Places he's visited; Shibuya Tokyo, London England, Singapore Asia

Interesting things he's done; mopped a sidewalk, screamed at a dirty child, bumped into someone's car and drove away

Hobbies: Cleaning x10, trying out new recipes

Favored genre's/songs; 00's, alt, indie — lindsay lohan circa 2009, michelle, the jump off, fuck me in shibuya

Fears/Phobias; Mysophobia, Trypanophobia (just imagine him crying when he a doctor shows him a needle omfg), Ataxophobia, Atychiphobia

Goals: Falling in love, being loved

Favored sport: Track

Hidden Talents: Double jointed

Preferred food: Anything Italian (atsumu put him on fr)

Deepest darkest secret: Started watching gay porn at age 12 —

(no, no one in this fanfic is from japan or wherever theyre from in the anime)

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