"Well, I've got money." Jeno said, almost shyly.

"But why would you spend it on a random omega like me?"

"You're not a random omega. That baby took both of us to make. We mated and now there's a life between us. I'm not against you getting an abortion if that's what you want, but I personally would like you to keep the baby. I'll even raise it if you want. You don't need to be a part of their life." Jeno seemed to know exactly where he was going with all this, almost like he planned for a situation like this one.

"That's not the thing. I just..." I don't want to get scolded by my parents. I don't want to have you bail on me last minute. I'm scared that I'm not responsible enough or ready. I don't want to get attached to the baby. Childbirth is painful as hell.

Jaemin wanted to be angry, why couldn't Jeno just pay for his abortion? It was very simple. He had the money to do so. They would both have more to deal with if they had this child. They wouldn't be tied to each other in any way if Jeno just payed for a simple surgery, ridding them of their issue.

"Hey, I promise, I'll take care of everything. You won't even need to work."

That seemed like a good deal. He would have to think about it. He would have to go home and check how much money he had. Jeno's proposal wasn't too bad, but there were also many downsides to deciding to birth a child, and without an official Alpha? It was very hard. Jaemin would have to deal with his hormones alone.

"I'll have to think about it." Jaemin sighed. Jeno also sighed, but it sounded like relief. Then Jaemin realized, Jeno isn't even sure this baby is his, yet he never seemed to have doubted it. He immediately searched for a solution to their issue. For all Jeno knew, Jaemin could be lying just to get some money. Perhaps, could that be the reason he didn't want the abortion?

"Okay. Give me your phone then."

"My phone?" Jaemin frowned.

"Yeah, so I can give you my number. Let me know what your decision is as soon as possible."

"Jeno Lee, look here. I would love to not take the abortion option, but my parents aren't the nicest of people. If they find out I'm pregnant, they'll cut me off, even more, financially."

"Then, I'll support you. I've already told you that I'll take care of you. I can talk to your parents if that's what you need."

"It's not that easy." Jaemin groaned. He realized that Jeno has probably always gotten what he's wanted. He's of the spoiled sort.

"Your parents don't have to know about Fireflies. If they find out you're pregnant, then we can think of something." There he goes again with the we. Jaemin almost smiled.

"Okay Jeno Lee, I'll think about it and give you a call." Jaemin handed Jeno his phone to put his number. Jaemin saved his contact as "Jeno Lee" to show that they were strictly business.

Jeno held his hand out to Jaemin to shake. Jaemin realized this really was strictly business. Jeno seemed to be treating it that way too. He shook the hand and stood up.

Jeno and Doyoung walked the two out of the mansion. He turned to wave at them, finding them friendly enough, but the two were already walking back. He sighed and got in the car. Once Renjun got in, he explained everything.

"I was surprised I didn't hear any yelling." Renjun chuckled, stretching his seatbelt over his belly.

"He didn't make me angry enough to yell. He was really passive, I would probably feel stupid if I was the only one yelling."

"That's a surprise. You truly do hate alphas, more than the devil himself."

"That's a little too exaggerated."

"Yeah, yeah..." Renjun sighed, recalling how triggered Jaemin acted when he introduced him to his dear Alpha. "Are you going to birth the pup then?"

"I'm not sure. My parents would kill me."

"Your mom wouldn't. Your real mom at least." Renjun mumbled.

"My mom isn't sane enough to understand her left from her right." Jaemin sighed. "She'd be happy though. She always wanted to be a grandma."

"I'd say you should do it. You would have more free time. We could be preggo buddies together. You know, because of my rich alpha, I don't have to work so much. You could be the same." Renjun shrugged. "You won't be alone anyways if you're thinking that way. Sure, a present Alpha is very nice to have, but you don't need it. You're pretty strong on your own, Jaemin, one of the strongest omegas I know."

"I'm going to be tied down to Lee Jeno for seven months though, that's more than I'd like."

"I know you hate that, but wouldn't you like to at least experience it? It could be a nice experiment, maybe you'd realize that it isn't that bad? You would get to try it without the consequences of having to keep a baby. Think of it as being a surrogate."

"Huh? I am a surrogate right? Although it is my baby. I guess I'll think about it."

Renjun dropped Jaemin off at home and bid him goodbye. He had invited Jaemin for dinner, but Jaemin declined saying he needed some time to think. That's not exactly why he declined.

As soon as he closed the door to his small empty home, he sat down on the floor. He felt the tears he had accumulated throughout the day fall. His breathing became ragged as he started sobbing. He felt so so stupid.  He clutched at his hair, wanting to tear it out, wanting to hurt himself, to punish himself for his stupid mistake.

He curled himself into a ball, thinking about what his parents would do if they found out. The only supportive person he would have left would be Renjun. It's not like his parents ever supported him in anything, that's why he never had money for even an education. He thought of all the times he made mistakes and made himself even more stressed.

He glanced at his phone that was thrown to the side, debating to contact Jeno.


He'll go to the clinic tomorrow. He'll use his small bit of savings that were supposed to be for his restaurant. He had been doing so well on saving. He sighed, glad he didn't have work the next day until the afternoon.

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