"It will be in approximately three minutes." Sai paused. "The frigate is hailing us, sir."

"Put it on screen, but no response yet."

A gray haired man wearing a blue officer's uniform appeared on the screen. The high tight collar matched the stern expression on his face. "Raven Sky, this is the Commonwealth Frigate Resolution. You are ordered to power down and prepare for boarding."

Moon muttered. "I'll be damned..." He turned toward Celeste and grinned. "I have an idea."

Celeste tilted her head up. "Another wild-ass plan?"

"Oh yeah." Moon said, grinning wide.

Mihra wrinkled her forehead. "What be this wild-ass plan?"

Celeste sighed. "Usually, it is best not to ask."

Moon called out. "Sai, I rebuilt the power system on the Resolution years ago. There should be a back door to the control matrix, see if you can find it. My genetic scan will be the entry code. Use the carrier signal on the com band when we respond."

"Yes, sir."

The face on the view screen drew a deep frown. He wore the blue uniform of the Commonwealth military. "Raven Sky, this is the Commonwealth Frigate Resolution. You are ordered to power down and prepare for boarding. Respond!"

"Okay, Sai. Open a channel, tight view on me only. But put some static on our com signal, enough to hide your intrusion."

"Channel opened, sir."

Moon straightened up in his chair and spoke in an even measured voice. "Resolution. This is Raven Sky. Please repeat last transmission."

"Raven Sky, this is the Commonwealth Frigate Resolution. You are ordered to power down and prepare for boarding."

"Resolution. This is Raven Sky. Can you hear us?"

The officer scowled, baring his teeth. He shouted. "Raven Sky, I said power down and prepare for boarding! Comply now or you will be fired upon!"

Moon pushed a button on his chair arm, muting his transmission. He shook his head. "Wow, he's grumpy. Sai, cut the thrusters. But leave the fusion reactors output at full and stand ready for full thrust on my command. Oh, and target that disrupter drone with the laser, but don't swivel the turret just yet."

"Yes, sir. Cutting thrusters now."

Moon unmuted the transmission. "Commander, what is the justification for this action?"

"We have an arrest warrant for Celeste Ciel and the Captain of the Raven Sky."

"Commander, please transmit the warrant for inspection and legal review."

Instead of a verbal response, the frigate moved closer alongside the ship. Moon jerked as three bright pulse cannon bursts flew past his bow. He muted the transmission again.

Muttering, he said, "Well, that was rude." He looked up. "Sai, status!"

"Still searching for the power system connection, sir."

Moon turned in his chair. "Mihra, do you know this commander?"

She shook her head. "We only met briefly at the port."

"I need you to talk to him. Tell him our situation, anything. Just buy us some time."

"Very well."

Moon said, "Sai, shift the transmission view to the Priestess only." He pressed a button to unmute.

Mihra narrowed her eyes. "Commander Barne, what is the meaning of this?"

The commander widened his eyes. "Priestess, I did not know you were on board."

The Line of the Sol EmpressHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin