Chapter 6

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When we came to, we found ourselves in a cell, a cube with infinity mirrors for sides. Maybe the illusion was an attempt to eliminate claustrophobia for the incarcerated? To make inmates feel like free spirits? I'm not sure, but it wasn't working.

A couple of hours passed and then one of the walls of the cell opened like a door. The light from the corridor was so bright and it was hard to see who or what had come to take us.

"Oh my God! Dad? Dad are you alright? Are either of you hurt?" cried a voice from the light.

"Keira! My little Keira. Oh, thank God! I was so worried! I thought I'd lost you forever".

As I stood up, my head was aching in a way that my worst hangover could only dream of. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I could see that Keira had changed her clothes. She was wearing a dress that I guess our hosts had given her? The dress was a crushed green velvet and was in keeping with the colours of the fleet that we had seen.

As my eyes adjusted further, I could see that she wasn't alone. She had a guardsman on either side of her, and even more surprisingly, an old and frail human man standing behind her.

"Who is this, Keira?" asked Hank.

"Oh, I'm sorry Dad, this is Christopher, he's the Kingdom's translator."

"Translator?, I don't understand, sweetheart." said a very confused Hank. I had no doubt that his head was still ringing too.

Christopher did not wear the same colours of Keira or the guardsmen at either side of them, instead the colours were more in keeping with the armour that we had found on the island.

"His majesty, King Drake and the tailor request your presence in the court" spoke Christopher with a delicate, polite voice. "All of you, please. This way."

"What is this? What's going on?" I quietly asked Keira, trying my best to keep up with the steady pace of Christopher. "Why did they take you? And how did you get away?"

"It was all just a big misunderstanding." chuckled Keira

"A misunderstanding!? A misunderstanding!?" I cried. "When the barista puts semi skimmed in your coffee instead of soya, that's a misunderstanding!"

"It was my locket, OK!?. Somehow, they could smell the gold in the air and when they did, they thought I was a threat."

"What!? Why!?".

"Something about the gold plated ones or something or other" said a somewhat confused Keira. "I don't know, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all."

"Please, everyone, through this door" interrupted Christopher.

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