Chapter 29 email

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Hi Connor
Sorry I didn't reply straight away, I needed time to think.  I'm so happy you found your mate, you guys look so happy.
I'm sorry that you don't speak to mum and dad, I really didn't think me leaving would cause that, but to be honest I think your better off without them and I'm better off without them. I have missed you too, Ryder has 2 sisters and I'm jealous how close they are ( he is the guy in the picture)
Ryder definitely treats me like an Angel, well that's his nickname for me, Angel or Devil depending what I've done lol.
I travelled a lot of America, I saw a lot and I made some great memories and some great friends, I have now settled down with uncle Danny's pack in Amber Hills, it's beautiful here, I wasn't going to stop here but I was this way so thought I would go and see Rose.
That's nice I guess that Mason took over the pack, I really hope you guys have learnt a lesson and this incident won't ever happen again to anyone.
Thank you for the separate email wishing me happy birthday, I had a wonderful time, I have attached a few pics.
From Lilly

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