Chapter 28 Lillys POV

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XxxxSexual Scene xxxxxxx
It's was now Friday, I haven't replied to Connor yet, I'm not sure what to say.
My friends are due any time, I'm so excited I haven't seen them for 2 months. Ryder has just walked into our lounge " your friends are on there way to the pack house, I said we would meet them there".
I saw the pale green mini van pull up the drive and come to a stop and came running, Jasmine, Kerry and Opal, they bear hugged me to the ground. " we missed you so much" they screamed " I missed you guys as well" we got up as the guys got out the van, Ryder growled " calm down, right introductions, this is jasmine, Kerry, Opal and the boys are Jason and Levi, this is Alpha Ryder.... my mate" it was like a Mexican stand off everyone staring at each other,
" So shall we show you to your rooms" they followed me into the pack house with Ryder at the back, there were a few people in the pack house you could hear mumbling. I turned to Ryder and mind linked " did you tell the pack, that my friends were coming" he shook his head. I sighed and linked the whole pack " this is Lilly I have 5 friends visiting for my birthday, they are travelling rogues, you will treat them with respect they are our guests, if I find you have not, I will personally take you to the cells" Ryder lifted his eyebrows and smirked at me.
The party was a massive thing, loads of food a DJ and a massive dance area in the back garden, it had been decorated in purple black and silver, it was beautiful. I think the whole pack was there minus the people on the night shift guarding the perimeter, I promised to save them all cake, there training had improved since I shamed them all.
People were coming up to me and wishing me a happy birthday and actually talking to my friends. I dragged Ryder onto the dance floor, " I don't dance" he grumped " please for me, my boyfriend my mate and I want to dance with you" I said in a whisper as I ran my hands through his hair whilst kissing him, " if you don't stop that, I'm gonna take you right here" he mumbled into my hair " easy tiger" I said grabbing his hand pulling him off the dance floor. We headed into his office at the pack house, I could tell something was on his mind " what's bothering you?" " Do you know why your friends are rogues?" " Yes I do and none of them are nice stories, they all left so they could survive, like me, they don't want to be rogues, at one point or another they had family or friends that loved them" "ok thank you, that's all I need to know" at that point there was a knock at the door, " Enter" said Ryder
" Sorry to bother you Alpha Luna but ummmm I found my mate"
" congratulations Mathew" Ryder said
" it's jasmine"
"Yay" I said clapping my hands
" I just don't know what the situation is with regards to her being a rogue, do I have to leave the pack, can she stay?" Mathew said nervously.
" If she wants to stay she is welcome to, obviously she would need to have a ceremony and pledge to our pack, and at some point before the ceremony she will need to explain why or how she became a rogue, but all this can wait, go and be with your mate" he said patting Mathew on the back.
" One down 4 to go" I said " huh" " I really want them all to stay" " well in that case it's 2 down 4 to go because you stayed" he said grabbing my hand, " now can we finish what we started on the dance floor" he moaned into my ear as he pushed me onto his desk as the paper went flying, and he started to kissed my neck, he turned me round and undone the zipper all the way down my dress then bent me over the desk, kissing my back as he slipped his fingers into my core, I moaned out his name, " Your so wet Angel" mumbling into my back as he continued to kiss down my back, he then pulled my underwear down and undone his trousers, he pulled his fingers out, " whispering in my ear " are you ready for the main event" " Stop te" I never got to finish what I was saying as he slammed into me with so much force I gasped out in shock I was holding onto the edges of the desk as my claws came out, I turned my head round to see Max had come out so I let Ghost take over, " faster, faster" I knew he was about to come as his thrusts were getting sloppy, I was on the verge of a full blown explosion, I couldn't stop myself and screamed his name out as I collapsed onto his desk followed by Ryder a few seconds later, " Happy Birthday Angel", he murmured into my ear, "you birthday present isn't ready yet, you'll have to wait until next weekend"

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