Chapter Twenty-One | Late for Class

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In the morning Karter woke up rushing around after Flynn had left the dorm. Karter was late yet again, thanks to his brain waking him up at three then falling back asleep until ten in the morning. He didn't love those kinds of mornings.

Karter was dressed in nearly the same outfit as yesterday and sprayed himself with some of Flynn's cologne to mask the fact he didn't shower last night. When it came to mornings like today he would have loved to have some extra money to just go buy breakfast and have the energy for the day.

However, that wasn't happening. It was getting harder and harder to avoid getting a job. Well, he wasn't actually avoiding it-he was just looking for the right one, mainly one that the people didn't take one look at him and tell him: "Nope."

Karter just got sick of it. He was sick of a lot of things he did, but the lack of motivation was the trickiest of them all. One day he could do whatever he wanted as long as he worked hard and focused. The next day he would laugh at the thought of even working a part-time job in the dumpster behind any chain of companies.

It just was something he had to deal with.

Karter was an adult and was on his own for the most part. He knew Flynn had his back but there was only so much Karter could even think to ask him. Flynn did so much for him already and yet Karter thought about the lame things he had done for his cousin.

They couldn't even compare to one another.

As Karter walked to class he read over the messages Holland sent him and Flynn.

It was then he realized how difficult it is to reply quickly when the screen to his phone was cracked.

It was hell.

Ahhh Bright ☀️:
[ So, Ember's birthday is tomorrow and I thought about a movie night, tonight? She is busy tomorrow and I think I convinced her into the idea of doing something tonight instead. ]

Mother-Dude 🥸:
[ We can get some food from the new pizza place off-campus and come back with a movie? ]

Ahhh Bright ☀️:
[ YES! I'll call in and order the stuff if you and Karter can get it or something??? ]

[ K ]

Mother-Dude 🥸:
[ We can go pick it up just put it under our last name, Thorn. ]

Ahhh Bright ☀️:
[ Got it, thanks! ]

Karter basically was just watching them talk about what movie to get, unable to really reply to them more than a simple letter or two.

After that, Karter pretty much turned off his notifications. He was never much of a group chatting person, it could have something to do with the fact he never had the friends to talk to before, or maybe it was just his laziness.

He watched the time pass as the classes dragged by with each painful second. He managed to complete two awful tree sketches and hopefully pass a test in his photography class; which sounded easy to him at first however he learned, it was no sure thing.

By the time lunch rolled around, he walked back to his dorm and grabbed his camera, and headed back out to take some pictures of campus a bit.

Karter wandered off into the city and took a few pictures down some of the more sketchy alleyways just to disturb Flynn.

Flynn always hated it when Karter ventured into the darker side of the city as if him taking a picture of an old crime scene was so creepy. Note the sarcasm.

Karter did that once and nearly was killed in the process of ten minutes. Though it was worth the horrible expression his cousin had after seeing the blood splatter on the city sidewalk, or maybe it was the man in the corner of the picture looking like he was guilty. Karter didn't notice him until Flynn pointed him out so it could have been either.

By the time he was done and nearly stabbed by another man-like-person with a carrot Karter walked back to his dorm and put away his camera making sure to charge it before leaving yet again.

Karter wasn't sure which classes he liked more, the ones he was almost always late for because his ass couldn't wake up or the ones in the afternoon where he nearly forgot because he thought he was done for the day.

Nonetheless, Karter wrote down the notes of the new assignment, which he was given a month to work on. It was always scary when a teacher gave so much time to work on something because most of the people would just wait till the night before and rush to make a month-long project in two hours.

At least that's what Karter used to do.

However, he did get better once he found a topic for the project he could normally get it done when it was assigned and not have the dread hanging over his head for a whole month.

It helped that he could do his project about a sea creature, so it was pretty easy for him.

At the end of the class, Karter had all the talking points he had to research and get the proper resources on and then his own personal opinion and theories he had on the lesser-explored parts of the ocean.

It was something that Karter-for whatever reason, found fascinating to learn about. It was out of character for him yet he couldn't help but flood his brain with random facts and theories about the underwater world.

When he walked into his dorm Flynn was leaving for his shift at the restaurant. "When I get back we're going to pick up the food for tonight."

Karter nodded and worked on his project for a bit before cleaning his side of the dorm and falling back to sleep.

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