Chapter Three | Morning Run

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Like most mornings Ryan woke up to the sound of his alarm echoing in the large room. He didn't like mornings much, however, sometimes it was the only part of his day that he had to himself.

He got up after a moment and he bribed himself with coffee once he got back home. He got dressed for his morning run. The autumn air didn't have much say in the shorts and sleeveless shirt he grabbed from his closet.

Before he left the apartment he grabbed his keys and phone.

Normally he would run to his favorite coffee shop then back to his apartment. The run was several miles into Central Park and to the Strawberry Fields, where at the early hours in the morning it was less populated with tourists.

Morning runs were frustrating and more times than not Ryan would find himself trying to talk himself out of going on them, however, some mornings they were a must. A small attempt to help ground him and in the process keep a healthy lifestyle.

The sunrise across the Manhattan skyline or even the sunset depending on when he went on his daily run would always make up for the inconvenience of running until his legs ache even after the warm-up routine he had.

Outside the air was cool and crisp as he ran the familiar route on the Upper East Side. He set a timer on his watch to alternate between running and jogging.

Half of his run was a mash-up of Irish pub songs, something with high energy to push him to keep up. Then once he made it to the Strawberry Field he ran the rest in silence to clear his head.

Sometimes it even worked.

On his way back to his apartment building he paused and looked over the colorful autumn leaves and the view into the city. The sunrise was vibrant orange with tones of yellow slowly making an appearance for the day.

He took a picture of the sight and sent it to his daughter, Ember. He knew she would be up considering she woke up with the sun ever since he could remember.

It annoyed him at first but eventually, he got into a routine of waking up to a kid jumping on his bed at five in the morning as if she were on a sugar high.

[ Why is it that you always send me these when I'm busy and stuck at home?! It's rude. ]

[ It's purely to mock you. ]

[ You're impossible. Is dinner still at seven tonight or do I have to force Carmon into going out with me? ]

[ You're saying I'm the impossible one? After a line like that... but yes seven works. ]

Soon after that Ryan jogged back to his apartment building paying little thought about much else other than his breathing. Outside the apartment building, lights still glowed even with the sun nearly all the way out by now.

"Nice run, Mr. Russo?" Jimmy, the doorman asked.

Jimmy had a cheerful smile and dapper uniform ironed to perfection as he opened the door with grace.

"Grand," Ryan answered, as he walked in.

The building's interior was modern and industrial at the same time. Greys, browns, and whites inspired the main floor. The front desk had dark shades of grey, but in different lighting, there were hints of blue as well. Behind the front desk, there was a mural of the Empire State Building in black and white.

The apartment building was far from Ryan's taste, it was too light and a bit too colorful for him. However, it was the perfect place for the time being. It was right in the city and offered the best parking. Both of which were things he wouldn't want to budge on.

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