Chapter Eight | Shirtless Breakfast

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The bright sun burned Karter's face when he went to open his eyes, so he did what any normal adult would. He groaned and hid under the mess of pillows and blankets. He breathed in the fresh scent of fabric softener and aftershave, the bed smelled nice and was pretty comfy.

In a panicked motion, he jumped out of the bed and looked around realizing he had no idea where he was. He was dressed in the same outfit as yesterday and he had a feeling that the dream he had last night wasn't as much of a dream as he might have thought.

His ass reminded him of it.

The room was modern with a dark theme to it with blacks and greys taking over the color scheme. The only thing colorful were the soft navy blue bed sheets.

Half of the room was windows overlooking the city. Karter looked out wondering where he was, all he knew was it had to be pretty high up. All of the people looked like dried up raisins from this floor.

"Well I didn't get murdered," Karter shrugged.

He worked up the courage to wander out of the bedroom.

The apartment was like something seen in some after shot of a makeover show, but much more expensive. The open floor plan out of the bedroom Karter woke up in had a small yet wide hall that at the end had another window. Straight ahead Karter stared at the painting that looked so detailed he was afraid to even breathe on it.

The painting was a black and white picture of the Empire State Building but the closer he looked at it the more he saw. It was made up of small people dressed in supervillain and superhero costumes.

Karter's attention was turned to the right where he heard the sound of food. Yes, the sound of food was very much a real thing. A sixth sense foodies like Karter had.

He walked out to the living room, kitchen, dining area, Karter wasn't sure what to call it. Like the bedroom, it was dark colors and windows that had one of the best views of the city he had seen in a while.

Karter walked closer to the shirtless figure cooking and sighed at the sight. "Of course you can cook," he muttered.

Ryan didn't seem fazed by Karter's glorious morning presence so he took that as a good sign.

"Sit and eat. I'll take you home then," Ryan spoke. He was clearly much more of a morning person than Karter was.

Karter felt like shit.

His eyelids felt like they weighed a hundred pounds and his voice was still raspy as it usually was when he first woke up. He wondered why he couldn't ever be the type of person that could wake up at seven and look like a flawless model like the man in front of him.

Ryan was the perfect mix of muscles with a slight dad bod. Karter wanted to know what his body would feel like up against his... again.

He shook his head of the thoughts the last thing he needed was to have a boner at breakfast with a guy he stupidly went home with.

Did he regret it?

Fuck no, he'd do it again.

It was just the fact he knew it wouldn't last that got him. He'd only get attached and something would happen and they'd break up and Karter would be left sad and depressed like he always did. He hated when he had feelings for someone. They always happened quickly and with what seemed to be "straight" married guys.

Karter never did anything about his feelings because he didn't like the thought of being someone's second choice.

When Ryan handed him a plate of food he looked at his hands for a ring. It was surely going to piss him off if the man was married.

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