Chapter Sixteen | Adult Store

Start from the beginning

The steady ground felt nice after the short car ride with Carmon.

"Oh, shut up it was not that bad," she rolled her eyes at him and walked into the building.

It was some Asian place with a fountain in the middle of the entryway. There were detailed carvings in the fountain that caught Ryan's interest as they passed by.

People of all ages throwing coins in for luck or so they told themselves.

"Table for two please," Carmon spoke and the hostess showed them to a table.

The place was busy with people rushing around as usual. Ever since moving to New York, it was something Ryan had to get used to how much people rushed about their lives, even if the simplest things.

Carmon stared at the menu and within minutes had enough food for a small village on her side of the table. Ryan didn't quite understand how such a small person could eat so much in one sitting. It was almost as if she was training for something.

"Fuck yeah, I haven't had Chinese Lo Mein since high school," she muttered, mouth full of food.

"Brings you back to the not so glory days, uh?" Ryan laughed.

Carmon hated high school and just about everything in her teen years. It was rare that she mentioned it. She looked up with a glare. "Oh shut up, asswipe."

Ryan laughed again and finished up his food as the waiter came back around with fortune cookies and the bills.

"Cookies for the cute couple!" The man grinned, placing the cookies in the middle of the table and clearing off the dirty dishes.

"Ha, a couple? Too bad I'm the mayor of Gayville and he fucks pans," Carmon couldn't help herself.

The man looked a bit horrified then covered it with a clearly fake smile before walking off to a different table to clear.

"You need to stop wording it that way," Ryan shook his head and paid for his own food as Carmon did the same.

She pulled her purse on her shoulder and slid out of the booth. "Ah, don't worry he'll have something to talk about now. Trust me it was funny."

"I'll have to take your word for it," he deadpanned.

When they walked outside Ryan was about to get back to her car but before he knew it she grabbed his arm and pointed down the sidewalk.

Carmon gasped as she looked to one of the glowing buildings to her right.

It was like a sixth sense Carmon possessed, finding any and all adult shops. The building looked like a lot of the others; the only thing making it remotely different was the glowing light from the windows.

"We have to go, I need a few new things," she cheered walking towards the building. Ryan sighed but followed behind her.

The store was nothing fancy, it was one of the many hidden shops in New York. The kind of shop people only knew about because of a friend of a friend or were drunk and stumbling around or perhaps in Ryan's case, had an oddly perverted friend.

Then again like he was one to talk.

Inside the building showed its inventory on glass shelves mostly, with everything sectioned off quite neatly. It was one of the few stores that seemed to still have things like porn on DVD.

"Oh man the good old days, the rush I had borrowing these things," Carmon said with a nostalgic tone laced in her voice.

"Is there anything you need help finding?" A man in his late sixties asked. Carmon nodded and walked off before a woman around the same age came out to take the man's place at the front counter.

Ryan smiled at her politely before looking around himself. There was nothing that he really needed but he figured he'd be here for a while, with Carmon handing a list to the man.

As Ryan looked around he managed to find a simple collar that caught his attention. The plain black (fake) leather collar looked pretty normal, but on the inside, it read: 'I crave daddy's cock.' It was something that could pass as a simple choker, that is unless the person wearing it took it off and read it.

After a while, Carmon pulled Ryan over with her. "Okay which plug says, 'I own your ass but I like spending time with you too'?" she questioned, looking over the butt plugs.

Without hesitation Ryan pointed to the smaller one of the few, it was clear with a pink rose design. It was something that seemed less extreme compared to the ones Carmon was pointing towards.

"Start off small and cute so you don't scare the poor girl," he told her.

Before they left Carmon forced him to buy a few things even after he told her about the choker she still didn't seem all that satisfied.

"Lame-ass. Get that adorable sub of yours something cute," Carmon exclaimed.

Therefore Ryan ended up with several extra things in his arms before they walked up to the counter. The couple behind the desk rang everything up easily.

"And here's a sample of our newest brand of lube. We think you and your significant others will find it delightful," the man handed over the bags and they paid his wife.

It wasn't what Ryan had planned for the day at all, but it seemed to end up going pretty well. For a moment he wondered what Karter's reaction to some of the things he bought was going to be.

Ryan noticed rather quickly Karter seemed like two different people when he was turned on vs his sarcastic self so it would be interesting to see which side would win.

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