Y/n's breath hitched. He and Carl stood there as Rick stabbed Shane, killing him.

Rick stood up, exhaling deep shallow breaths. He wiped the sweat off his brow. He was screaming something about Shane and how it was his fault. But y/n tuned it out. He was still staring at Shane's lifeless corpse.

Y/n was brought back to reality when he heard Carl.


Rick turned around. "Carl. You know... you should be back home with mom"

Carl and Y/n were still. Y/n was shaking, holding onto his spear tightly. Carl quickly had his gun up aiming at Rick. His gun clicking. Rick quickly put his hands up.

"Just--just put the--put the gun down"

The sound of growls and the smell of the dead had quickly taken over and adding to the thick tension between Rick and the two kids.

"It's not what it seems. Please"

The snarls and growls were getting louder. There was shuffling behind Rick but his figure blocked y/n's view.

Carl put his finger on the trigger. Y/n pointed his spear forward.

"Wait wait. Wait wait" Rick begged. The snarls were even louder now. But the gunshot was the only thing they could hear.


The body stumbled and fell to the floor. A bullet hole right between its eyes. It's skin was pale and their eyes were devoid of color. There was a silence in the air as they looked at Shane's lifeless body.

"You bit too?" Carl asked.


"Shane was"

Rick bit the inside of his cheek. "That wasn't Shane. You know that."

"Used to be. What happened? You guys attacked? I mean,I--I heard a gunshot, but I didn't see any walkers nearby. How did Shane die?" Carl spat out questions, one after the other, trying to understand what happened.

The smell of rotting flesh was still in the air. Y/n could still feel they weren't out of the woods yet. "I don't want to interrupt, but I don't think we're safe here" y/n interrupted.

As soon as he said that hundreds of walkers walked out the woods. They're groans filling the silence of the field.

"Oh my  God. Go go go go go!" Rick ordered, quickly running, pushing us forward. It wasn't long until they got cut off at the front. They were everywhere.

"T-the barn!" Y/n yelled running forward. He dodged and weaved through the horde, Carl and Rick right ahead of them. Rick was able to bring a few down, enough to be able to get through. Carl was able to shoot a few knocking them dead.

Y/n was scared, terrified even, but he couldn't lose his sense now. Even though he wasn't able to kill any, he was able to slow them down by knocking them over each other with his spear. He swung wildly cutting at them enough to knock em over.

Y/n bit his lip at not being able to kill a walker yet. He was still too scared to try and get close to their head, even with the reach from the spear.

Carl and Rick climbed to the hayloft, y/n was shortly behind looking out the opening trying to see if there was any possible way to escape. Carl and Rick we're talking behind him but the hundreds of walkers were the only thing y/n could think of. His knuckles were white from how hard he was holding his spear. He felt a hand on his shoulder. Y/n's eyes met with Rick's.

"Y/n I know your scared but I need you to be brave, Carl is going to set 'em on fire, ok. I need you to be ready to run okay" Rick said.

Y/n nodded slowly "I-I can do that"

"Good" Rick said.

Y/n steeled his nerves and was next to Carl. Rick's shouts were leading the walkers to the barn. In seconds the barn was filled. Their moans and groans filled his ears and in the blink of an eye intense heat licked at y/n's face.

The fire roared burning dozens, the smell of burning, decaying flesh filled the air. Jimmy came crashing in with the RV. Before any of them had time to react, Jimmy was screaming as he was torn limb from limb, his blood spraying on the window.

"Quickly go go go!" Rick jumped down and used this opportunity to get away. Carl and Rick we're way ahead. Y/n could see Hershel with them. Y/n's lungs were on fire. His legs ached, he kept running and running and running, trying to get away from the chaos and trying to survive. It looked like he could make it, just a few more strides and he could get out. But things were never gonna be that easy, his foot caught on a rock. His momentum sent him flying. He tried to get up but when he looked up, he froze.

Standing a few feet in front of him was a walker. She was slowly making her way toward him, her feet shuffled slowly. Her once beautiful clothing were tattered and gray.

Y/n couldn't move, he was shocked, his fear kept him in a grip tight as a vice. This woman looked so much like her. . . She looked so much like his mother. Even now he can hear their screams as they were torn to shreds because of him. How they died keeping him safe. Y/n's palms were sweaty, knees weak, and his arms were heavy. He backed up slowly.

"No, no, no, no. . ." He said. "You aren't here, you aren't here, you're dead, your dead, you're gone. . ." He whimpered.

In the corner of his eye he could see Rick, Carl, and Hershel trying to get to you, but they were dealing with walkers of their own.

In this moment y/n thought "am I gonna die, is this where it ends. . ." Tears started streaming down his face when his back hit a tree.

He made brief eye contact with Carl. He could see the desperation in his eyes as he tried to get to you. Y/n saw his spear laying on the ground from when he went flying.

He remembered the words they shared together. He remembered their promise. Y/n stood up and grabbed his spear. Right before the walker got close, y/n swung his spear with as much force as he could muster. Time seemed to have slowed as he watched the sharp edge penetrate the rotten decaying flesh of the walker. It sliced halfway before it got stuck, but the momentum made the walker stumble and hit the ground. Y/n yanked it out and with tears in his eyes stabbed it in the head.

"I'm sorry mom. . ." He said under his breath.

With new found confidence he ran to the others and hugged Carl. The tears were flowing steady know. His spear was dripping in blood. The groans and the sound of gunshots still going on around them. But for now, in that moment, he knew he was safe.

"I-I did it, Carl. . ."

Well I finally did it you guys, I can't believe it took so long but I finally did it. Again this isn't proof read but I still hope you guys like it.

Bullets-Carl x Male!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora