Legend wait for it dary......helmet

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" Go go go!!! " Shane yelled at me as I stepped on the gas. Lucy the devil starred awe struck from her bedroom window. Dr. Penguin speed chasing us as gravel flew in his face. As the mansion disappeared you heard Lucy scream for dear life.

" She's so going to find us. The car had license plates and everything. " Rudy said from the back next to Shane who I found out was her secret boy toy. Secret because of her dad and all. In the back was Shane, then Rudy then Ryan. Lucas and Marshall sat in the back of the car making sure Rudy's and I suitcases doesn't fall.

" Oh really? " Ryan asked. He held up who identical licenses plates. All of us laughed as Ryan put the plates in the compartment in back.

" You know she's rich enough to run your finger prints right? " I asked in between laughs.

" Two steps ahead of you. We wrote gloves when we drive and the crash had no impact on us. " Adam explained. I nodded and stated at the road ahead. Smart, no wonder why they're in a gang.

" So what did you actually come down here for? I know those two back there, " I pointed to Marshall and Lucas who are oblivious to our conversation.

" Are the missing people. "

Adam huffed and rubbed his clammy hands in his navy outfit. Through the rear view mirror, I saw Rudy look at Shane with a raised eyebrow, wanting to know the same thing.

" A rescue mission? You said you was going to rob a bank. I told you to get me some jewelry from an old hag. " Rudy said. Well, that's not something you hear everyday. Especially from Rudy. I thought she wasn't like that.

" So you lied? " I looked at Adam starring daggers. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

" We had to, you would never had let us go to a shoot out with a rival gang. " They both blurted. I looked at him like he was crazy.

" You went to a shoot out? " I asked not paying attention to the empty road ahead.

" Yes? " he said more like a question and sink into his seat waiting for me to go off.

" Why didn't you invite me? " I asked angrily. Yup, another thing you didn't think you would hear from a girl. Well probably from someone like me but if you're like Rudy, you would scream your head off. Which she did.

" You went where!? Are you fludging kidding me!?......."

I accelerated to the top speed of the truck the whole way home. My radio wanted to fail me and not play any good songs. The whole way there I never took my foot of the gas or obey any traffic laws. Not like there is any cops around here.

" 6:00, made it. " I said looking at my watch and putting it in my duffel bag. I dropped everybody off and changed into my football uniform, then drive here. Adam decided he wanted to watch practice today so he's finding a spot hidden behind the bleachers. Coach hates when people watch us practice, he thinks they are from other teams trying to copy our style. He's paranoid pretty much. Before coach car pulled up I put on my helmet hiding my face.

" There you go Machete. I thought you quit on us. " He said getting out of his car. I shook my head trying to remember what voice I used to talk to them. He nodded back at me and headed to the field.

" 30 laps. Now! " he shouted to the potential death victims. Or at least that's what they will be after this practice. Coach always go all in on the day before. Then he tells us not to come to school on the day of the game and get some rest. After everybody was on their second lap I snapped out of my trance and started to run with them.

" Not you machete. " He stopped me with his clipboard. I looked at him confused but then I rembered that he couldn't see my face let alone my facial expressions.

" I got something for you. " He said. Without saying anything farther he headed to our locker rooms. Confused on what to do I slowly trailed behind him. He opened the doors and kept them open for me to walk through.

" This is your last year here and probably the last time I will see you. " He said walking to his own personal locker he keeps in here. I sat down on the bench and watched with a high level of confusion.

Where is he going with this?

" In my glory days I was much like you. Never showed my face but showed my best at all times. "

Even more confused.

" I bought a special helmet to hide every feature. I wasn't the most handsome flower in the bloom of you know what I mean. "

No, no I do not know what you mean. I know this story though. At the beginning of the football season, freshman year, coach talked about The Legendary Helmet. It was a symbol and pride of the whole school. Out of the 20 yearS Coach has worked for the football team, only 2 of the football player have worn it. Coach wore it to his championship game and made the winning touchdown. Its said to be blessed with the luck of a thousand players. For him to take it put of its case, like he is doing now, it a lifetime chance.

Wait, he's taking it out of the case!?

" Whoa, Coach. " I said in my masculine voice. " What are you doing? "

Coach chucked at my reaction. I stood up from the bench I was seated on and backed away. I can NOT use that helmet. No way in hell.

" Wear this to the championship game. " he said, well demanded. " Wear this and make your school proud. "

He shoved the helmet towards me with hopeful eyes and walked out yelling order to the team. He really wanted to give me his helmet. Was I ready to actually play with this legend on my head. What if I get hit and the impact takes off my helment? I'm not used to playing with this type of helmet. My helmet even has hidden straps to keep it on. This helmet, is pretty awesome, but I can't use it. It practically like a motorcycle helmet. All black, covering your mouth and all around your head. The thing that made it special is the bullet proof material of the Ray bans and the outer material of the helmet. Not one scuff has been put in it due to that. If to make one, you will go down in history. Many have tried, all has failed.

....go down in history. I will lead their team to victory and this minor thing won't stop me.

Those words rung in my head. Those are the exact words I said at the start of this whole thing. This was my goals. I was confident and now I'm freaking out because of a helemt? What am I!? A girl!? Well yeah but when do I act like one!?

I'm Machete Johnson and wearing a helmet won't get on the way of what I had planned. I took off my helmet and let my hair fall. I tied it back up and looked towards the black one.

lead their team to victory

And that's exactly what I will do.

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