Will they truly change their silhouettes?

Start from the beginning

Patrick placed his hand on her forehead and ran his hands through her hair as she continued talking.

"You'll never believe who works there still." Ellen said turning her head to look into his blue eyes.

"Hmm Layla." Patrick said pretending he was guessing.

"Yup. Well i guess, I don't know her name but she almost outed me to Chris. I want to tell him first." Ellen said looking back at the ceiling.
"Your actually gonna tell him." Patrick said surprised.

"Yeah, unlike you I'm not a lying liar." Ellen said while laughing.
"Sooooooo." Patrick wanted to know if that's all she remembered.
"Sooooooo." Ellen responded knowing what he wanted to ask.

"Is that all you remember." Patrick said proving her right.
"Oh I definitely remember more." She said honestly , noticing the light flicker.

"We stumbled down the side walk. I almost fell you held me up. And then we entered my old apartment building laughing very loudly. Um we kissed in the elevator, it was hot."

"It was just hot?" Patrick said pretending to be disappointed.

"Oh shut up." Ellen said nudging him in the side.
"I don't think I have to recall what happened next because we both know." She said smiling.

She turned and cuddled into his chest, he embraced her.
Somewhere deep down they wanted to stay like this forever.

There was a loud knock on the trailer. "Pompeo, Dempsey you guys are wanted for hair and wardrobe."

They jumped away from each other and walked out of the trailer.
They were walking side by side, their hands brushed together, causing them to separate quickly.

"Mcdreamy what the hell happened to your hair." Katherine Heigl yelled as she noticed he didn't have any product in it.
He laughed loudly, "can't always be dreamy." He yelled back throwing his hands in the air.

Ellen and Patrick didn't have to put on makeup or use products in their hair because they were practically filming naked.

The interns on set walked them to Merediths living room.
Patrick dropped his robe with pride and got into position onto the floor.

Ellen hesitated dropping her robe, because Patrick would have to see her in her underwear.
"Pompeo let's go." The director yelled.

She dropped her robe and slid on the couch, she caught Patrick looking at her with hunger in his eyes.
After all she did say she would torture him, so this is the perfect start.

"Action." The director yelled from behind the cameras.

Ellen's eyes flickered open, she grabbed the blanket from Patrick's ass, making sure to get a good look before placing a pillow down.

"Looking for this." Patrick said holding up a black bra.
"This is embarrassing on so many levels." Ellen said stepping over him.
Patrick tried to look under the blanket like a pervert , he was very desperate.

The scene played out well. They had to do it two more times, so the editors could have different options.

Ellen and Patrick headed to the food truck. "Ellen" the man said sliding her the food, "thank you." She responded walking back to the trailer because Chris was coming.

Patrick was still waiting for his food, he didn't know where Ellen went so he sat with the others.

Chris walked up to the trailer, with Ellen's box of things and pulled the door open. Ellen was sitting on the couch in her robe eating a chicken sandwich.

"Here you go Bebe." He said placing the box on the counter.
"Thanks." She said holding her hand over her mouth as she chewed.

"This is a pretty big place you got." He said sitting beside her.
"Not just mine, they paired me with Patrick." She said it like it's an everyday thing.

"Of course." Chris said slightly angry.
"Babe, we're never really here at the same time, because we film at different times." She said turning and facing him.
"Okay." He said annoyed

She climbed on his lap and kissed him, "are you jealous mr ivery." She said while holding the sides of his face.
"Sorta yeah, it's obvious he likes you." He said while sneaking his hand into her robe.
She kissed him passionately, he slide the robe off her shoulders revealing a red lacy bra and the brim of her lacy panties.

Ellen untied the robe and threw it into the floor. He gently moved his hands up her back as she met his lips again, this time the kiss was rough growing with urgency.

Patrick's phone had died towards the end of lunch so he walked to the trailer to grab his charger.
The door was unlocked , so he slung it opened revealing a half naked Ellen rocking against Chris.

"Sorry." He said sadly and stepped back out.
"Oh god" Ellen said getting off of him and sliding her robe back on.
She checked the clock and she had 8 minutes to get to hair and makeup for her scenes .

"Ok I have to be at hair and makeup in 8 minutes, I'll see you at home." She said sliding her feet  into flip flops and walking out of the trailer door.
She felt horrible about what Patrick just saw.

Chris knew something was going on but he didn't know what it was exactly.

Ellen quickly changed into her light blue scrubs threw her hair into a back bun and sat in the make up chair.

They were filming the locker scene and Ellen and Sandra were also going to film the library scene. so Ellen won't get a chance to see Patrick until tonight.
Everyone was having a great time in between takes, Sandra noticed Ellen wasn't acting her self and pulled her to the side.

""What" Ellen said confused.
"What's going on with you." Sandra asked straight forward.
"I - nothing." Ellen lied. Sandra kept starring at her waiting for her to spill.
"Okay, Patrick walked in on me and Chris." She said fast and nervous.

Sandra bursted out laughing. "So we are all grown ups, he'll get over it."
"Right" Ellen said still panicking, Sandra didn't understand what exactly was going on between the two of them and Ellen wasn't exactly ready to tell her.

They finished filming and everyone headed to their trailers to gather their things and head home.
Just as Ellen opened the trailer door, Patrick was walking out
Ellen broke the awkward tension first. "Can we please talk."

Patrick backed up, allowing her to come in and shut the door.

"Patrick I am so sorry." She said truthfully, looking into his sad eyes.
"I know, but you shouldn't be. You don't feel the same way I do and that's understandable." He said maturely.
"But i do ! That's the thing , that's what makes this so complicated." Ellen said screaming unknowingly.

Ellen moved closer to Patrick. Their foreheads touching, wanting to kiss but had no self control to stop themselves if they did.
"I want you" Ellen said emphasizing the word "you"
"I want you too." Patrick said lifting his head from hers. "But like you said.. it's complicated."

The beginning: Dempeo Where stories live. Discover now