Will they truly change their silhouettes?

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It's all messy.. the hair, The bed, The words, The heart, and Patrick and Ellen are  just making it Messier by lying.

"who is that?" Jill randomly blurts
"Lukas he's umm prank calling me." He lies before quickly hanging up.
She knew it wasn't Lukas. Lukas is like a child, however he loves to sleep! He slept through their loud house warming party because it was his "bedtime."  There was no way Lukas was up at 4 in the morning.
She shook away the suspension and layed back down, praying that her husband is keeping his vows.

Today is production day. Every one is anxious and excited to finally be working, but Patrick is just excited to see Ellen because after he hung up she hadn't called again.

Ellen was nervous, now that she somehow know what they did, she wants to do it again and she can't have that mindset.

It's currently 6 am, everyone's scenes are scheduled prior. Ellen and Patrick have a scene together and Ellen has some with Sandra and the others .

Ellen throws on sweatpants and a hoodie, tossing her blond hair into a bun.
She moves back over to the bed, to kiss Chris and then heads out.

Patrick decided to leave his hair product less and just bring everything with him, in case the stylist has been told to do it some different way.
He made his way to the nursery, to see a sleeping tal in the crib.

He whispered "I love you." Quietly before kissing her check.

He loaded his things for the trailer into the backseat and headed to set.

Ellen hopped out of the car,  and makes her way to the trailer. She's nervous about seeing him, but she some how wanted to.

She unlocks the trailer door praying that when she opens it he isn't sitting there.
Swinging the door open, she finally realizes she left her things for the trailer at the house and also Patrick isn't there.

She goes to the back trailer room and crash onto the bed.
She's lying on her stomach, facing away from the door.

She calls Chris to ask him if he can swing by to drop her things off , he says  yes.
So she decides to go over her lines and listen to music.

Patrick reaches the trailer and pulls the door open, he shuts it carefully because if you don't it'll slam really loud.
He sits his things in the couch area and goes to the back room.

He sees her lying on the bed with a script in her hand and earphones in her ear.
Her ass is like right there in view and he can feel his briefs expand as his dick hardens.

He walks over and lay beside her, apparently he scared her because Ellen screamed.

"What the hell, I could have just had a heart attack." She said putting her face into the sheets.

"I apologize." He said half heartedly.
"Ok so what do you mean you remember, you were lying  the whole time? ."

"Patrick no! Me and Chris -" she was cut off as Patrick rolled his eyes and said "god why do you have to bring him up in everything."
"Because he's my boyfriend and he's apart of the answer to your god damn question." She said loudly.

"Right continue." He said looking into her angry eyes.
She turned on her back, to look up at the trailers ceiling.
"So we went to red bar and as soon as I opened the door, it's like I could see you walking to my table, asking to buy me a drink, and then you moved a piece of hair out of my face."

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