Chapter 11: Creepy Coincidences

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It was the night before Halloween, and officially 2 days until the boys would leave for tour once again. An entire month had flown right by, and so much had happened. Jessica had been re-hired and was now on break before filming the 8th episode of Oh, Sally! Eugenia’s Olympic practice was officially done until June of the following year, two months before the actual Olympic Games.

My bump had grown slightly, and Harry had noticed. He was searching through every parenting site on the web, it seemed, for tips. Louis had checked out half the library’s pregnancy books. I insisted that they had taken it overboard, but they disagreed that you never were too prepared.

Liam and Nina were still happily in their new apartment. Ruth hadn’t bothered with them this entire time, so Liam figured she was over this whole “fame” thing. His other sister Nicola had called just to say hello a day before, happy to hear that her brother was going to tour again.

I was lying in the grass by my house with Louis by my side, looking up at the starry sky. He cuddled me close; Florida was beginning to get chilly. We were all back in Florida until they had to leave. My eye caught a shiny star. “Oh my gosh…”

“What is it, love?” Louis questioned.

“You see that star?” I pointed at it so he’d see.

“Yeah, what about it?”

“That one’s special.” I looked deep into his eyes. “Before I met you, I wished on it that I’d get to somehow meet my favorite boys. And capture your heart.”

“Even if you wouldn’t have wished,” he said, kissing my cheek. “You would’ve anyway. I love you more than anything in the entire world.”

“I love you more than anything in the entire world too.” I kissed his nose and he grinned. “I’m gonna miss not hugging you like this for months.”

“I’m going to, too.” He ran his fingers through my hair and our lips met. The scent of his cologne captivated me as I ran my hands down his back. His body bowed against mine as our hearts beat in tune.

Josh was carrying Michelle down the street. He’d parked his car and was bringing her home from their dinner at Applebee’s. They’d munched on good food and laughed until their sides were hurting.

“This was an amazing night,” he said as she kissed his chest.

“It was for me too.” She smiled as he kissed her neck in return, handing him her keys. “Only because you were by my side.”

He helped unlock the door and stepped inside with her, laughing and smiling as they headed into the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks as he noted that there were two more staying in the house with them tonight. Michelle’s parents.

He set her down and turned red, scratching the back of his neck. “Hello,” he greeted, giving a sweet smile to them both. “Nice to meet you, I’m Josh.”

“Nice to meet you, Josh,” her dad said, eyeing him up and down suspiciously.

Her mother got up from the couch and shook his hand. “You must be Michelle’s boyfriend.” She took Michelle’s hand. “Excuse me a second?” She led Michelle into the kitchen. “Where’s Harry?”

“Harry and I ended it a long time ago,” Michelle told her. “I never told you, I guess.”

“What happened with Harry? Why didn’t you tell me?” Her mother looked dumbfounded.

Michelle took a deep breath and then said, “He cheated on me with my friend Laura and got her pregnant.” She looked at the floor in shame. “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry about me…”

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