Monday is a Rainy Day

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It has been 139 years since I last saw her and 135 since the portal came and I fell into the void. I have been stuck at this age for 135 years, and I have never forgotten her. My heart just won't die. Today is the same as it has been for the past 139 years, with only a few exceptions. The funeral. The birth. The void.

I walked around my home aimlessly. Of course. This is how it always went. I would try to write music, I'd remember her and decide she was my only inspiration. Then, I'd spend the rest of the day trying to forget and find something else to do. I'd reminisce on past events.

Sometimes I wonder about her descendants. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if things had been different. Other times I wonder about the portal. Even after all these years, I almost never leave my home. All I know is that things have changed. I'm the only one left. Over the generations, the whole thing has been forgotten.

Some days I can't even remember that day. Sometimes I can't quite remember who she was. Other days the pain is too great for me to do anything. Occasionally I feel an anger that I never thought I was capable of feeling towards my angel.

I sat down, bored once more, with only my thoughts to keep me company. My thoughts wandered to the void. I wondered who created it and whether it appeared where and when it did on purpose. I went over to the dark, dusty corner where I kept my memories. The music and pictures that weren't destroyed. Certain objects that held too many memories for me to keep out in the open.

I walked over to one of my home's many exits. If I am to stay this age forever, I might as well do something. I decide to go see what has happened over the past year. I don't even bother trying to scare the many people who have flooded my opera house. I gave up being the Phantom long ago, when the story faded into an old tale. People these days aren't as easily scared anyway.

I watch the crowds just like I did last year, a small part of me wishing I'd see her. After hours of watching the crowds and marvelling at the strange new technology that people have, I go back to my home, to the same life I've led for the last 135 years.

But things are going to change.


Erm, I hope this chapter wasn't to boring. It's kind of hard to describe routine boringness in an exciting way.

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