✧ GDA DAY 2 ✧

Start from the beginning

"Just a minute please," Fai said, "I'm doing something important."

"Can't be any important than your hair." Jinyoung dragged Fai to the make-up chair.

Fai gave in and just texted Mark while she was in her makeup chair.

Once Fai had her hair and makeup touched up, she took a look at the mirror then followed the staff so that she can go back and attend the show. Fai sat down at her assigned seat and silently watched the show silently. A handful of groups already performed and received their Bonsang, including NCT Dream, while Fai was backstage so now NCT Dream were backstage getting ready to go back and watch the show.

"Fai-nim," A producer said to Fai quietly, "Would you like to sit with anyone?"

Fai took a look at the idols who were seated at the moment, BTS, NUEST, MonstaX, Seventeen and Gidle. No one Fai wanted to sit and make small talk with.

"It's alright," Fai answered, "I'm fine sitting here."

"I asked NUEST and they said that they wouldn't mind if you sat with them. It won't be for the entire show, just until there's someone else you can sit with."

Fai nodded slowly, grabbed her blanket and followed the producer to go sit next to the NUEST members, Fai bowed to them then took a seat at the corner of the couch the group members were sitting on.

"Would you like water?" Ren asked Fai.

Fai nodded slowly and he passed Fai a bottle of water, "Thank you."

"I heard what happened in New Years," Aron said to Fai in English as he was sitting the closest to Fai. Fai was a bit clueless, there was only one thing that happened to Fai in New Years, "The confessional."

"Oh," Fai looked down, she started to play with her fingers, "How did you know?..."

"Mingyu, he has a big mouth."

Fai nodded, her heart was starting to beat so fast. There were no such things as secrets in this industry, everything would be bound to be spread around like wildfires. The thought of Jungkook's crush being spread around, made Fai feel so anxious. Fai spoke up, "I see."

"You shouldn't worry about the situation, you handled it well." Aron gave Fai a reassuring smile.

"It's really... Not the most comfortable situation to be in." Fai said slowly, she didn't want to say something she would regret so she kept it pretty vague.

"I can imagine, especially when you're, you know, not single."

"Whatever," Fai shrugged, "It happened and there's nothing else we can do except just let time do its thing."

"You're right, you just have to go with the flow." Aron nodded in agreement.

"Exactly." Fai said, the conversation ended there as there was a bonsang announcement. Seventeen and EXO-SC both won an award. Fai wondered when she would be getting her award.

"If you need anything, please don't be shy and just ask us," Baekho whispered to Fai, she gave him a warm smile, which comforted her a lot.

Seventeen started their performance and Fai was in awe,

The performance was 7 minutes long and the proper way to distract Fai from her current issues.

"Fai-nim, you need to go backstage and get ready for your performance." A producer whispered to Fai, she nodded then turned to her seniors.

Fai bowed to them once she stood up, "Thank you for taking care of me."

"Good luck with your performance," Minhyun gave Fai a warm smile.

Fai 2 | K-Pop SoloistWhere stories live. Discover now