"Stop looking at me like that Olivia"

"What are you getting at Malfoy?" he arranged everything on the table leaning over the cauldron I already started to warm up.

"Why so formal" he was acting as if everything was the same, a part of me was glad that he was trying to spare us from tension that was being ignored.

I slowly stood up from my chair joining him by the cauldron as I helped measure things out that I could. Once we started we mainly just sat in silence as we waited for it to fully heat up.

"No what are you doing" he spat yanking the ladle out of my hand "You're supposed to vigorously stir not whatever the hell you were doing" there was the Malfoy I knew.

"You shouldn't even be helping since your one handed" his eyes snapped to my wrist quickly. I scoffed taking my seat, if he wanted to do all the work I will gladly let him.

For a second I forgot that I called our friendship off, everything felt to normal. Once the thought hit me I felt a ping of pain, things might be good now but once this class is over he will just go straight back to her and everything will be real again.

"Does it hurt?" I looked up at him as he glanced at me not wanting to take his eyes off the potion, it was alway's his favorite subject and he was the best at it. Well he was Draco Malfoy he was the best at anything, that involved schooling other than that he was a dumb ferret.

"My wrist, if so yeah not as bad as the first night but I can still feel it lingering" I shrugged looking down at it moving it back and forth slowly, it stung but I felt a relief as I moved it.

"I really am sorry-" a sigh left my lips as he kept glancing at me then the potion.


"Stop with the Malfoy shit Liv, I know I fucked up bad, really bad but I can't do this not friends things" he spat, I rubbed my temples, he was trying to fix this but I wasn't ready for it to be fixed. My heart was screaming at me to just drop the no friends act but my head was scolding me on how I needed this time for myself and so did he.

I couldn't just forgive him, he actually hurt me this time.

My gut, that was telling me that this was all bullshit and I needed grow up and just get over him and accept he chose her and I was just going to hurt forever. But that wasn't good enough for me, i'm tired of putting myself second. When will I come first?

"I'm not changing my mind Malfoy" he scoffed dropping the ladle out of his hands and turning to face me completely.

"Why, why because I messed up. Everyone messes up Liv are you going to drop them to"

"No Malfoy, you just made me realize that I should focus on myself and put myself first for once."

He shook his head bitting down his bottom lip, the way his hair flopped as he did was not going to go well for me. I hated how attractive he was, distracted me in times like this.

"Don't be so draft, you're only doing this cause I flipped on you so you're getting me back in return."

"Holy shit you have more problems then I thought, You know if you really were or wanted to friends you would be okay with the fact I need time, you would be happy that for once in my unless life I wanted to actually put effort in myself." why couldn't he understand this, what could he not wrap his mind around?

"I'm more than happy for you about that but you can do it with me there too I don't get what's wrong with that, i'm telling you that I want to be there for you" merlin the words I say hurt like hell but he needed to hear them.

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