1 I'm traversing thru through another world

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   "ka " a brake sounded.

A bus slowly stopped in front of the building of Raytheon Biotech.

The car door opened, and a teenager walked down, slowly closed the car door, and left slowly.The boy had black hair, bright black eyes, and a tall nose. He looked quite handsome.

He stood in front of the gate, not in a hurry to enter, but slightly raised his head and looked at the tall building carefully.

The building is three hundred meters high, and the exterior walls are all made up of large glass windows, reflecting the dazzling sunlight, like a huge light bulb.

In the middle of the building there is a huge stone stele with a sentence "We can change the world", which fully demonstrates the strength and ambition of this company.

Although people often laugh at this arrogant remark, or simply ignore it, no one doubts that this Raytheon biological company has the most cutting-edge technological strength in the world.Because it not only has the world's top instruments and equipment, but also has the best scientific research personnel, and absolutely sufficient funds, as well as the craziest imagination and creativity.

A young girl in a white coat was standing in the hall early. Seeing the boy standing still at the door, she ran out and whispered: "Bobby, it's so slow to come? I've been waiting for a long time. . Can't you be more active when you look for a job?"

The young man grinned and said nonchalantly: "Please~! I didn't expect to have a lot of prospects. To live with the crowd and to live leisurely is what I should have in life."

The young man grinned and said nonchalantly: "Please~! I didn't expect to have a lot of prospects. To live with the crowd and to live leisurely is what I should have in life."

"Forget it, I will ignore you." The girl glared at him bitterly, then turned away from the subject, and said, "It's hard to find a job now, and the opportunity is rare, so you should be more serious."

As she talked, she took the boy into the hall: "The job of this assistant researcher is also very simple. It just feeds the mice, cleans them, and writes down the records. Moreover, they pay a high salary. In the two-month class, you can earn the full-year university tuition..."

The girl handed some documents into his hands, and then continued: "I have filled in these personal information forms for you. It is now when there is a shortage of people, as long as you hand them in, it will do."

While she kept talking, she sent Bobby to the elevator door.

The boy looked at the girl and said seriously, "Rose, thank you."

Rose heard what he said, her heart warmed, but then she scratched her short hair, and said in a vicious voice, "Why are you talking so nauseously? It's really disgusting."

She looked back at the clock hung on the wall and said, "I have to go to work. You can go up quickly. The assistant researcher application is on the 32nd floor. There is a sign at the door. You will see it when you go up. Let's see you after get off work. ."

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry and disappeared in the hall of people coming and going. With a light 'ding', the elevator doors slowly closed.

Bobby closed his eyes and made up his mind that he must be more serious this time. 

When the elevator door opened again, Bobby first saw the interview sign hanging on the door not far away, and immediately walked over, but did not notice the red light on the elevator, which was the 31st floor.

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