Everything Can Change

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If there was one thing Spensa had learned over her relatively short years of living, it was that everything can change in an instant.

Spensa was the seven year old daughter of a hero. Then, a seven year old daughter of The Coward. In just an hour, her life had done a complete spin in the opposite direction.

She would never get back those years she suffered as someone viewed as less, but she had somewhat forgiven everyone. Somewhat.

And then again, at the Battle of Alta Second. She had gone into the Nowhere suddenly, and it changed her view on the galaxy.

One of the best feelings she had ever felt was her first kiss with Jorgen, that deep passionate kiss while they were burning Hurl's body. That was a big change.

Jorgen–Jerkface–had been one of the biggest changes ever. And unfortunately, he was why she was feeling the way she was right now.

FM and Kimmalyn's tears mixed with her own and their arms wrapped Spensa's body as she kneeled on the ground.

She had told him. She said she going in. She said that he couldn't follow her.

But he did. He followed her as she had followed Nedd. Into the belly of the beast.

And she couldn't save him.

She watched I'm horror as his ship was shop down, and as his sparks flickered out as he crashed to the barren wasteland below.

She watched as he died.

Her shoulders shook with heavy sobs as she took in the sight before her.

Jorgen's poco had completely rolled across the ground, and one of the wings was bent in half. The other was a tangle of wires and sparks. His cockpit window was shattered, and the broken glass had gone to the seat. Right where he was.

His face was covered in blood, dark and sticky, and his eyes were the dull grey that reminded Spensa of her Gran-Gran's.

Spensa could stomach so much. She had watched her friends die, she had endured years of backlash from her father's involuntary actions, she had even burned one of her best friend's body after seeing Hurl ripped apart in her cockpit.

But seeing Jorgen–who she loved with her whole self–lying dead in a broken seat brought up everything she had worked so hard to bury.

Everything she hated about herself rose to the surface and out of everything there, one ripped her apart more than the others.

You couldn't save him.


Spensa curled into her bunk, feeling everything at once, yet still numb, and stared at the speckled ceiling. The chips in the roof reminded her of the stars. The stars that Jorgen died in.

Everything reminded her of him. Every crack in the siding, every dent in the metal, every shape in her mashed food–she just couldn't get away.

He had brought her a kind of joy she had never felt before.

He brought her a kind of pain she wished she had never felt.

He was everything to her.

And he was gone.

And somehow, she would have to learn to let him go.



Hey! Sorry it took so long. I'm working on a couple different ideas right now. I hope you liked this sadness, because I certainly enjoyed writing it ;).

Please don't kill me.

Also, the cover was made by Ahsoka1708

Kels, out.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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