1. Finding Your Partner

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The most important part of co-writing is finding the right partner. To make this as easy as possible, you should both write in similar genres, and have a similar flow to your writing. If you don’t, this will be taking you even farther out of your comfort zone. There are multiple ways to find your twin author.

Forums; There are dozens of forums with people requesting a co-writer. This is the easiest and fastest way to find a partner. Before responding to the advertisements, be sure to check out the person’s profile, and read a bit of their work. An intense, paranormal/horror author probably doesn’t want to end up with a One Direction fanfic writer.

Message Authors; This route is more of a gamble, but usually yields better results. You have to read lots, and I mean humongous amounts. Your best bet will be to read in the genres that you want to write in. When you find stories that you like (in writing similar to your own), message the author to ask if they would be interested in co-writing. Warning; do NOT message incredibly well known authors, they will most likely already have multiple projects going, and will not respond.

Feel free to comment if you are looking for a partner.

Once you find your match, read on to learn the next essential steps.

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