Love, Life, and Highschool

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Hey guys, sorry it's taking me forever to update my story. I just can't find any time during the day to write anymore! Well, Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year! Love you all!!


Part 8

Was he following me?! I've already told him to back off! I can't believe he showed up here! He's getting on my nerves!

"Oh! Hey Daren! What's up man!" Warren, apparently, was best friends with Daren. I wasn't very find of that.

"Hey, Warren! Woah, Liz, what are you doing here?!" He sounded shocked.

It was around three fifty when he showed up, it's four thirty, and he hasn't left yet. Him and Warren just started talking away. Warren, never let his arm come from around my shoulders. Daren snuck sad depressing glances over at me and Warren every now and then. His blue eyes were so saddening when they met mine, but, I always looked up at Warren suddenly so that I didn't have to feel his depressing eyes burning through mine.

"Well, just wanted to see how everything's going! See you later Warren. And you Liz! Don invited me over this weekend again." Oh my god Donny! You just had to invite the guy over again! I mean, he kissed me for Christ's sake! Yeah, Don didn't know he kissed me, but, ugh!

"Who's 'Don'?" Warren was confused. He knew who Donny was, they've hung out before, he just didn't know I was related to him.

"My dorky older brother." I ran my fingers through his messy dark brown hair. I still had his shirt in one hand.

"Donny's your older bro?!" He was so cute when he was surprised.

"Yup." He was making me laugh.

"Since when?!" He must've been really confused.

"Since the day I was born." I was kind of being a smart ass with that one.

"Well, I feel stupid now!" He smacked his forehead.

"Don't feel stupid! Not many people even know I exist! Let alone be the younger sibling to a football star!" Yup, Don was the 'star' quarterback for our 'Blue Mound Knights'.

"Wow, you really don't communicate with other people do you?"

"Not really. I mean, they've never known of my existence, why bother them with the knowledge of it?"

"Because you're and amazing person, with a damn good personality! And a whole lot of potential!" He was so sweet!

"But, now, it's all for you and Hayley, and nobody else!"

"I guess that's okay."

"Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!" He made me laugh so hard!


There were two gunshots outside.

"What was that?!" I stood up and ran for the door. Warren caught up and pulled me inside.

"I just got you in my life, I don't you leaving me." He said as he pushed me back away from the door, and running out of it himself.


Two more. I looked out the window as Warren ran towards the gunshots. I reached for my phone and called 911.

"Yes, there were four-"


"Make that five,". "Okay, please hurry!"

I couldn't stand it any more. I grabbed my phone and ran outside. Just as I got to the end of the front yard, Warren was coming back. He was carrying some man. At first I didn't recognize him, but as he got closer, I knew who he was. It was Daren. He had been shot in the leg.

"There's another one, Liz, take him inside and clean him up, while I go get the other one." He set Daren on the ground and I put my arm around his waist to help him up the stairs.

"Who did this?" I asked while putting rubbing alcohol on his wound.

"I-I don't know, I-I j-just heard a gunshot, OW! And then I fell to the ground. OW!"

"Sorry!" I put gauze and cotton cotton balls around his calf to keep the blood from getting everywhere.

"You're good at this." He was smiling.

"Well, when you have no life, you tend to master things in your free time."

"Hey, Liz, look, I'm sorry for kissing you, I don't know what got over me, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay."

The front door opened. Warren walked into the bathroom with my next patient. He made Daren walk out before he let the other one in.

"This one's hit in the side." He said as I was looked down at my medical equipment.

"So, did you catch a glimpse of who did it?" I was still digging through the equipment.

"No." His voice was so familiar it was scary! I looks up to see who it was.

"Donny?!" I yelled, dropping everything

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