Love, Life, and Highschool

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Hey I hope you guys like my first story, if I get enough comments on it saying that it was okay, then I'll continue the story


Part 1

I was walking back to my house from my best friend's, Hayley, and I was listening to my favorite song, "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns-n-Roses. And today was just like any other day, except school was worse. In History class, the popular crowd decided they wanted to pour their water bottles in my seat.


My phone vibrated. I checked to see who it was, it was my mother.

"Where are you?!"

"Mom, I'm walking home from Hayley's, I'll be there in like, 2-minutes."I said, trying to sound as reassuring as I possibly could. Yet, the whole school day kept replaying in my mind, paper wads getting thrown at my head, sitting in the pool of water, and acting like a complete fool in front of the one guy who every girl had a major crush on.

"Well, you better, or I'll come find you!" My mom yelled, trying to be mad at me, but she knew I could tell it wasn't working.

"Ha-ha, okay mom. Love you bye!" I yelled just before hanging up

As soon as I walked in the door, my mom had run up to me and pretended to scold me. "I told you to be back by 9 young lady! It's 9:15 and you're just now walking through the door!"

"Ha-ha-ha, let me guess, grounded?" I asked teasingly, although knowing that she was joking, just by the way she expressed her facial emotions.

"Nope, but you better get an 'A' on that science test, since you and Hayley have been studying "sooo hard", I figured that just means that you're going to get an 'A'." She said as I was putting my leopard print book-bag in the closet. I figured I'd save her the stress of what happened today at school.

"Just be glad it's a Friday. You know, Liz, your brother has Daren over, I'd stay down here with me and help make cookies if I were you." She said gesturing me into the kitchen. My older brother, Donny, always had one of his 'buds' over on a Friday, it just so happened that tonight, he had Daren over. Daren wasn't the most athletic kid, but he was quite attractive. His messy blonde hair always flipped the right way, and his baby blue eyes had always seemed so happy. Donny knew that me and my friends thought that Daren was attractive, and so did Daren. Me and my mom just laughed at the fact that as soon as we took the cookies out of the oven, the boys came tumbling down the stairs.

"I smell chocolate chip!!" Donny yelled running through the living, almost tripping over the edge of the couch.

"Careful there, gracefulness." I teased him as I curiously looked for Daren.

"Be quite, Elizebethe!" Donny said while devouring the cookies.

"Save some for Daren and the rest if Don!" Mom said, gesturing him to slow down on the cookies.

Daren walked in slowly, he looked like he was half asleep. He was wearing a loose fitted Michael Jordan T-shirt, that toned his biceps, making it obvious he lifted weights. His messy blonde hair flipped perfectly to the left. And, even though he was half asleep, his blue eyes were as cheerful as always.

"Dude! Did you leave any cookies for the rest of us?!" Daren's crackly low and tired voice sent a sudden chill down my spine.

"Ya' snooze ya' loose, Daren." Donny said, acting like a three year-old kid.

"Let's sneak out if here while they're distracted." Mom said, jokingly. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the living room, where my dad was watching the 'James Bond' movie.

Love, Life, and HighschoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora