A Birth And A Note

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"C'mon Camilla one final push and then you'll have your baby girl." Camilla cried out in pain, the exhaustion making her bones feel heavy, her eyelids heavy and the temptation to fall asleep all to familiar. She'd been in labour for almost twenty six hours now and this was becoming too much for her. A figure came through the door as Camilla pushed for the final time, she heard the cry of a baby and then she heard the nurse curse as everything around her as her eyes closed. 

Rose entered the room as everything was kicking off, a nurse was cleaning the baby as doctors rushed to stop the bleeding and remove the placenta from Camilla's womb. Rose was scared, she was scared for Camilla, she was scared for her niece. If Camilla died, she and Noah would be forced to tell Adriano about this, and he was less volatile than before but you wouldn't risk setting one bomb off because it had a weaker explosion than another. The baby was passed to Rose to hold for a moment whilst they attempted to stabilise Camilla, she'd not only gone into early labour, but at her age, that could well be lethal. Twenty six hours was too much for her body. 

Eventually, they managed to get her stabilized, a round of applause sounded in the room, Rose looked down at her niece, "Your mom is going to be okay little one." Rose spoke to the baby. She took the baby's little hand in hers and smiled, she had half a mind to call Noah but he was at the apartment with the dog and setting up the rest of the stuff that Camilla had been setting up when she went into labour. She called Rose as soon as she went into labour, she was scared, like anyone who was going through it would be. Camilla got a taxi to the hospital and they took her in, she was dilated enough to be in hospital, but the baby got stuck at six centimetres and no matter how much she waited or pushed the baby wouldn't budge for a good four hours. 

Camilla was out cold, but she was stabilized which was what mattered, they took the baby from Rose and took her to be weighed, tested and potentially fed, if Camilla did not wake up soon to feed the baby. 


Adriano was sat at his desk, his hands running over the note that he'd found in the rental that Camilla had in Bari, he'd read it at least fifty times since then, he couldn't believe it. He felt so guilty for all of it, he just wanted her to be happy, but he caused his. Charlotte walked into the office, a sad smile resting on her lips as she looked at Adriano, the man in front of her was a shell of her son, she'd held him while he cried over Camilla, she was certain that that pain had not gone away and that he was still suffering, but he was suffering alone in silence because he didn't want their help, he just wanted her. It was this very single minded view that had caused many a row between them, they'd truly wanted to get her back but Charlotte just had a feeling that she wasn't going to. It'd been nearly five months and there had been no sign of her willingly coming back, there was going to be no way that she came back willingly and Adriano refused to see that. She moved behind her son's chair, he slammed the letter down on the desk, he hadn't told her about Camilla being pregnant, never mind this. His mother swept it off the desk, moving around to the other side before reading it aloud to him,

"Mr Lombardy, please leave me alone. As you may have heard, I was pregnant when I left, and I left for the safety of that baby, but now that baby is gone. I miscarried due to stress, or at least that's what my doctor told me. I hate you for all that you have put me though, I hate you so much. I lost my baby because of you, because I was so scared, so stressed about you finding us and hurting us.  You kept looking, even though I asked you not to and as a result of that, I lost my baby, and you lost your chance to ever be a father. I don't expect you to mourn this death, you heartless bastard, this baby- they were my last chance at a good life, the reason why I left you. You abused me, in a drunken state, I don't care what excuse you have. I lost them, and that is all your fault. Leave me alone Adriano, it is the least you could do - let me mourn my child who never saw the light of day because of you." Charlotte took a long breath, "Camilla."

"Ma-" Adriano started, fighting off the tears that had surfaced, she was pregnant, she was going to have his child, their child and he killed them. He killed their child because he'd hurt her, he'd made her that scared of him. "-I'm not even going to try to justify that, other than by saying, I killed my own child and I hate myself every day for it. I hate myself for what I did to her, and I'm really trying to change because I can't do that to anyone again. I'm just holding out hope for Camilla, I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her but I don't deserve her." Charlotte dropped the piece of paper, she was appalled. She'd truly loved Camilla, and she didn't want to see her go, but what he'd done to her was inexcusable. 

"Adriano, I'm not going to yell at you, or say anything rude to you. I just want you to know that I am beyond disappointed in you figlio. I'm glad your fixing yourself though." Adriano nodded, tears had spilled down his cheeks.


Camilla woke up, a deep fatigue washing over her body. Rose was at her side, a baby in her arms. Camilla smiled at her and held her arms out for her baby girl. She held her close, the baby nuzzled into her chest, Camilla lowered the top of her gown and tried to get the baby to latch like the nurses had prompted and she eventually took to it. It hurt more than she thought it would, Cam just glanced down at her baby and then said, "Arabella, that name suits you baby." 

She smiled at the baby in her arms, the baby let go and cried slightly. Camilla cradled the baby, "Arabella is a beautiful name Cam." 

"Arabella Clementine Romano, welcome to the world. My beautiful bambina."


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