The First Sign

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It had been three months since Camilla had left him, and he's tried, by God he'd tried to respect her wishes and try not to go searching for her but he was far from strong willed enough. He wanted his fiancée back, he wanted his miele back. He'd sent people out searching for her across the country with little avail. She'd been good at covering her tracks, taking the money in cash, booking flights and accommodation with cash. We knew that she was still in Italy because she didn't have her passport. Adriano was sat in his office when there was a knock on the door. A white coated doctor from the infirmary walked through the door,

"Mr Lombardy, I apologize for withholding this information from you, but Miss Romano was pregnant. She left the day after I confirmed the pregnancy."

Adriano's jaw dropped,  "She was pregnant." The doctor nodded, Adriano could have killed him them and there, but then he remembered all he'd said and done to her. He let a long breath fall from his lips, he couldn't believe it, he was possibly going to be a father to a child he might never even meet. Camilla had left, without him knowing. 

He dismissed the doctor with a sway of his hand, when on one of his men came bursting through the door. "We have a lead boss." 

Adriano nodded, asking, "What is it?"

"A Camilla Romano was just hired as a cleaner in one of your associates hotel chains. She's at the Palm Leaf in Bari." A smile crossed his lips, 

"Book the master suite, let the staff know I'm coming. Get the jet ready as soon as you can." Cammy, I'm coming for you miele, he thought as he stood up, he needed to change, shower, shave and prepare himself for all that he might face. 


Camilla looked at her phone, there was a mass email sent out to all the staff at the Palm Leaf, she'd done a stupid amount of research into the owners of the hotel, they were an American chain hotel that was set up on the coast, specialising in English speaking clientele, and she was very happy for her English father and bilingual upbringing that got her the job. She was just a cleaner, having no previous employment, but she was nearing a promotion to hostess, or receptionist, she'd been commended by several of the higher ups about her English speaking and was being suggested for the placement that was temporary as a hostess had taken five months maternity and a receptionist had taken twelve months medical rehabilitation leave after her car accident. 

She glanced at the email,

To: All_Staff_PLBari

cc: Important Guest!

Hello, some of you may be aware that every so often we get a visit from one of our owners or one of the investors,  well tonight there will be one visiting. They will be staying in the master suite and have requested a meet and greet with all of the staff, if you are unavailable for personal reasons then we are certain that there will be another time. If you are working the shift tonight, then you will be the first to greet Mr Lombardy. 

Sincerely, The Management Team - Palm Leaf Bari

Camilla dropped her phone, she gripped her stomach and tucked herself up into a ball. Apollo glanced up at her, before jumping on the sofa and settling his head on her shoulder. She cried, she cried for the first time in a while.

Apollo barked at her, she moved her head from her chest and looked at the dog, "I'll be fine Apollo, but we need to move." Dread filled Camilla's stomach, she was on the night shift, there was no way that she could get out of this, the worst thing was that there was a two week resignation period and if he was there, she'd be his prime target. She feared for herself, but mostly for her baby who'd grown so much in the past month, she was really starting to show which was a great sign according to the doctors who'd stated that the trauma in the early months could have caused them to be abnormally small and malnourished, but she was healthy. But that meant that he would know, and that was her nightmare inducing fear. 

She called in, "Hey, I'm so sorry but I can't come in. I know that the important guest is there but I-"

Her boss stopped her, "Camilla, I beg you please stay. I know it's a lot but we only have one other cleaner in today and he is a big investor in the company." Camilla swallowed,

"I-I can't. I'm quitting anyway, but I can't give you two weeks notice. I wish I could stay here but I can't."

Her boss coughed, "Is this because of us?" 

"No, no. I have to move for family reasons, my brother has-" and she hated saying this, her fingers were crossed over her heart, hoping that this lie would not come true, "-fallen very ill and doesn't have too long left. I need to go back to Venice now, two weeks could be too late."

"Oh, okay then. That's fine, but you do know we can't legally pay you your full wage because you only worked for seven weeks."

Camilla sighed, "Yes I understand. Goodbye."

She hung up and then went to her last resort. She called Rose.


Adriano pulled up at the hotel, the staff were all gathered in the reception waiting for him. He scanned the entire crowd of people, there was less than fifty staff and Camilla was not there.  He smiled at them all and was then shown to his room by the manager. When they arrived at his room, he asked, "You don't happen to have a Camilla Romano on your staff?"

She nodded, "We did, Camilla was a great worker. She was meant to be working tonight but quit, her brother fell ill and she had to go home to see him before he passed." This was a first to Adriano, who'd last heard that the family was doing well, but she wouldn't go back home for any old reason. 

"Oh, that's unfortunate. She's an acquaintance of mine and I wished to see her on my visit here, you don't by any chance have any of her contact details, or her address or anything?"

"I do, but unfortunately sir, I cannot give it to you." Adriano nodded.

"I understand. Thank you." He settled in his room and questioned his motives, questioned his method. Should he have informed the hotel of his visit? They were obviously going to notify staff, which gave Camilla more than enough time to flea. He just wanted the woman he loved back, but he wanted her to be his by her choice but that possibility was fleeting. He'd broken her, there wasn't a crack in the vase anymore, it was obliterated, like dust on the floor. No matter how hard he tried, he could no longer salvage his relationship with her, but he had yet to come to realise this.


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