He waited for an answer neither of them could muster up....the humiliation setting in deeper for both of them.

Erwin and Hange clearly knew the answer without anyone saying anything.

"This behavior is completely inappropriate and you two will be punished for your disorderly conduct!" He yelled, Hange shaking her head in disapproval.

"Why can't you guys learn to control yourselves.." Hange trailed, "Like c'mon you dug your own graves with this one. I get your horny, but like..." She sarcastically laughed, not being able to finish her own sentence.

Eren and Novia sat just sat there, enduring Erwin and Hange's harsh lecture.

Novia was ashamed to her core, her eyes filled with regret. She was terrified of what consequences they were going to face.

Not only was Novia scared of her upcoming punishment, but she felt used and exploited. From some reason mischief followed her everywhere.

She needed to wash her body to forget the sinful acts she participated in. She felt like a whore...

"Get up, now...Both of you let's go."

And with that they were escorted out of Eren's room and into cells for the night.


Novia spent that night behind bars, not being able to sleep at all.

Erwin and Hange told them they'd find out their punishment in the morning.

Novia's anxiety kept her up....just there like sitting ducks waiting.

She eventually heard birds chirping revealing that it was dawn and about ten minutes later someone finally approached the cell bars.

This time Erwin wasn't accompanied be Hange...he was with Levi. Obviously now she knew the commander informed the captain on the gist of what occured yesterday.

"Good.....Jaegar. " Erwin called, both of them coming close to the bars. The commander opened both cells for a second to put cuffs behind their back, just in case they tried anything.

"For your disobedience to our strict policies, here is a list of all your punishments:" he said getting straight to the point. '

"Both of you are on stable duty for the next 2 months."

"You are not to interact with one another until our upcoming mission."

"And lastly, you will stay here in these cells until further notice." Erwin turned toward Levi.

"Did I forget anything Levi?"

"Oi, No commander....please, leave the rest to me," he assured Erwin, looking at Novia with empty eyes. She was fearful of what the captain thought of her now, but there was nothing she could do.. nothing at all to change what had happened.

Erwin nodded. "Do as you please Levi."

"If you wouldn't mind commander..please take Novia out of the room for a moment. I'm going to speak with Jaegar...alone, when I'm finished I'll do the same with her."

"Alright." was all Ewrin replied as he opened the door to Novia's cell, dragging her out of the room. She couldn't help but feel a little worried for Eren, the captain wasn't exactly the forgiving type.....

She tried to let go of this feeling, trying to convince herself that Eren was a jerk because of what he had said to her moments before they were caught. Novia sat with Erwin in another room...waiting Levi to come get her.


As Erwin took Novia away, Levi shut the door behind him and turned back around to face Eren, glaring at him. He was surprisingly keeping his cool, because it didn't reflect to the seething rage he felt on the inside.

"Jaegar...why on Earth did you think you could get away with the events that took place last night." He crossed his arms.

"By the time it was over, I knew we were already caught." Eren replied with the same arrogance Levi's tone conveyed.

What was he getting at here?

Levi's patience was running out already... "And what does that mean you fucking brat. "

"It means......" he dramatically paused.

"By the way I had her screaming my name....I knew someone was bound to hear it, how could you not?" he smirked...

At this point, Eren didn't care what Levi did to him, for one, he knew already he going to be beaten, two, all he wanted was for Levi to feel the same jealousy he experienced when he heard about what happened between them.

When Erwin informed Levi of the incident, he told him he knew that Eren and Novia engaged in some sort of sexual activities.....but he didn't know exactly what the details were.

"You better tell me your ass is lying right now or so help me god I will-"

"You'll what...... Kill me and Novia?" Eren provoked raising an eyebrow.

"I should for how you're speaking out of line, you are forgetting your place Eren." He growled.

He lost all his patience and unlocked Eren's cell door going inside, kicking him over and over again till Eren lay on the ground, spitting blood.

Levi didn't want admit he hated the thought of Eren touching Novia, so he tried to play it off like it was only about the fact that they broke the rules.

"Captain, I was just finishing what you started." He croaked the wind knocked out of him, toning down his egotistical appearance.

"What makes you think I started anything Jaegar?"

"She told me....everything." He looked up

"Did she now?" Levi asked facetiously, a smug look appearing on his face.

"Yeah, she did.." Eren repeated, confused on why Levi was making a mockery of him.

"And what? Did you think you could one up me?" Levi said cynically. He looked down at Eren with belittling eyes, as if there was any comparison between the two of them.

"Maybe, maybe not sir...." Eren trailed, still wheezing on the ground.

"Even if you did try to one up me Eren, I don't care enough about this childish little game you created in your head." He threatened.

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I fucked her, yeah?"

Levi beat him....hard, almost breaking multiple bones. He couldn't do too much damage though because of how close their upcoming mission was. They needed Eren for this mission.

"Oi, you act like you didn't already?"

Levi was hoping this was true however Eren was being extremely provoking today so he wasn't entirely convinced.

"Its true...I didn't....yet." Levi ignored the rest of his banter, he knew Eren was trying to get more rises out of him, he didn't want to give Eren that satisfaction.

Levi wondered if Novia was still a virgin, but quickly brushed that thought out of his mind.....he shouldn't be thinking of such things right now.

"Just appreciate you aren't dead, Jaegar."

He left Eren, badly injured on the ground. He was done interrogating him for now.

He was now focused on getting Novia.


Ooooooo someone's in trouble.

Hehe hoped this was good :)

Relentless (Levi x OC x Eren)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora