Just me and my Lover

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~Noya POV~

My baby was harassed and touched in a way only his significant other should and I feel horrible my baby has been scared to sleep for 4 months now almost 5 but no one noticed because he was so good at hiding it I'm so upset that I didn't notice so I refuse to sleep I stayed up all night cuddling my little tangerine whispering sweet nothings in his ear until his alarm went off and he rolled over to look at me and tell me I didn't need to do that for him all I did was smile and tell him I really did and he smiled that normal fake smile but I know deep down if I can keep him happy I pray that his beautiful real smile will return to my tangerines face I still can't even believe he's mine I have to protect him from ever feeling that way again.

~Hinata POV~

"Bubs you're going to be tired all day now you should have slept." I tell Noya as he gets up to get ready for our practice game we play Nekoma today and I'm not excited to see Kuroo especially after the little stunt he pulled in the hallway my thoughts were cut off when Noya said something I don't think I'll forget "yes Sho I did I wouldn't sleep knowing you felt that way ever you are my world and I don't want to see you hurt" I almost cried at the sincerity in his voice and for the first time in 5 months I smiled a genuine loving smile I tackled him in a hug and kissed him like it would be the last time I kissed anyone.

~3rd person POV~

After they broke apart Noya started changing and caught Hinata staring "like what you see sho?" Noya asked a tinge of mock in his voice "I-I-I uh I yes..." Hinata said back a bit embarrassed this shocked Noya as he didn't expect a response from the red tangerine Noya walked over to Hinata "if you're up for it we can have a little fun later only if you want to I don't want you uncomfortable around me" Noya whispered in Hinata's ear his voice growing more worry as he said the sentence "I'll think about it but don't think I won't top you" Hinata whispered back with a wink now it was Noyas turn to blush profusely and shook his head up and down like a cartoon character the pair made their way to the courts to start warming up and get ready to play Nekoma
~time skip cause I'm lazy~
Karasuno beat Nekoma just barely and Kuroo was not happy at all he stormed over and grabbed the tangerine and left the gym despite all the yelling from Suga and Daichi and even Tsukishima had seen how uncomfortable the little middle blocker was and was protesting as well Noya didn't hesitate he ran after them and quietly followed them so Kuroo didn't notice he stopped outside of a storage closet *I am NOT and I mean no way in hell letting him take him in there* Noya thought to himself "KUROO MIND TELLING ME WHAT YOURE DOING WITH MY BOYFRIEND" Noya yelled as Kuroo had put his hand on the door handle "oh come on shorty share your little toy with all of us keeping such a prize like this to yourself is unfair to the rest of us plus I just want to blow off some steam he wouldn't mind won't ya doll" *only Noya is allowed to call me pet names* Shoyo thought "HELL NO PUT ME DOWN YOU SICK MOTHERFUCKER" Hinata screamed and kicked Kuroo in the same spot he hit him a few weeks ago hoping there was still a bruise there, it didn't matter Hinata had knocked the wind out of him and Kuroo let go long enough for Hinata to grab Nishinoya's hand and run like hell he wasn't going to let Kuroo or anyone other than Noya touch him that way ever again they ran back to the gym to find Suga and Daichi waiting "the others went to look for you guys are you ok" Daichi asked "Yep were both fine thanks can't say the same for Kuroo though" Hinata said through that real genuine smile he only had around Noya "I'm just glad you two are okay Kuroo had it coming" Suga said with a smile and let Noya and Hinata go to their dorm Hinata was in a bad mood and wanted Noya he needed Noya and he knew just how to get him
⚠️Smut warning⚠️

~Noya POV~

We walked into the room and I was just about to ask Hinata is he was hungry or wanted anything but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a slight yelp before a familiar pair of lips attacked mine I honestly thought Hinata wasn't going to allow this even though it's been 5 months I know these things take time to heal I smirk into the kiss and lick his bottom lip he denied me access and I continued doing the same motion until he gave in and opened his mouth and our tongues started fighting for dominance I thought I would win but he was over powering me by a lot nothing like the first time we did anything together I felt him move his leg to place his knee right under my hard on that was slowly growing by the minute I felt him reach under my shirt and start moving his hands up and down my sides I slowly started moving my hips against his leg "a-agh fuck S-Sho" I moaned on accident and went stiff I didn't think this sweet little tangerine was capable of topping me and here I was completely under his control I leaned down and said "can we continue this on the bed?" he looked at me with hungry eyes and pulled me away from the wall and over to the bed

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