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A/N this book has swear words and other adultish themes might come up read at your own risk ⚠️

~3rd person POV~

Hinata sighed as he stared at his ceiling, checking his phone he saw the time was 5:30.
"Great 30 minutes until I have to leave" he thought Hinata hasn't been able to sleep right for months now but he doesn't let it affect his volleyball playing or his mood that he lets his teammates see.

"I cannot let my team find out or they would be really worried for me and I don't want to be a burden to them" he spoke to himself as he turned on the shower and got ready for school.

"BYE MOM" he shouted as he grabbed his bike and peddled away he was tired he was so fucking tired but he wouldn't dare let anyone know he couldn't sleep, the problem with Hinata is that no matter what he does it's almost impossible for him to fall asleep

While zoning out due to being overly tired he didn't realize a certain libero with brown hair and a little poof of blonde running straight at him.

~Noya POV~

"Hey sho!" I called to my precious kouhai but I don't think he was paying attention until
"NOYA-SENPAI ARE YOU OK IM SO SORRY I WASNT PAYING ATTENTION I-" Hinata yelled after running me over.
"It's ok sho are you alright?"
"Mhm, m'fine" he reassured me.
He was definitely not fine was the only thought running through my head
"Well come on we still have practice silly!" I yelled as he dusted himself off and followed close behind me.

~3rd person POV~

Practice had gone normal with the occasional Kageyama yelling at Hinata and a few snarky comments from Tsukkishima. But Nishinoya couldn't stop thinking about Hinata, he's had a crush on the slightly taller 1st year ever since he met him but he never told anyone not even Tanaka. Speak of the devil Noya thought as he felt Tanaka shaking him out of his trance like state of mind "HEY YOU OKAY BRO! YOU DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE KIYOKO COMING IN TODAY ARE YOU SICK?!" Tanaka yelled while still shaking him. Noya pushed him off "YEAH DUDE I WAS DAYDREAMING ABOUT KIYOKO BRO" Noya lied he was trying to figure out why his tangerine has been putting up a front for months and nobody has seemed to notice at all except for him.

~Hinata POV~

"BOKE HINATA BOKE" Kageyama yelled at me once again.
"ARE YOU EVEN TRYING YOU'VE MISSED THE BALL TWICE COME ON GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!" He yelled again but this time I felt him kick me harder than normal
"OK BAKAYAMA" I screamed back rubbing my side where I was just kicked while Daichi and Suga we're already lecturing Kageyama for hitting me again.

~3rd person POV~

Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei came into the gym
Takeda-sensei yelled through heaving breaths "W-WE ARE GOING T-TO A T-T-TRAINING CAMP WITH NEKOMA!" The team started cheering all except for a tangerine who was thinking one thing only....

~Hinata POV~

"I'm fucked" was all I could think.
"Who else is going to be at the camp?" Noya-san had asked
"Aoba Josai, Nekoma, and Fukurodani" Takeda answered
Ukai let us go home to get our slips signed to go to Tokyo and rest up because we leave tomorrow at 4:00 am my mom signed it and sent me to bed after dinner and I finished my homework and packed up for this camp that is supposed to be a month long "how the fuck and I gonna keep this a secret for a whole fucking month while being with them" I whisper to myself as I close my eyes knowing full well I won't be sleeping tonight.

A/N thank you to whoever reads this I hope you all like it and let me know your thoughts

664 words.

The never ending loopTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon