Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Hinata, Nishinoya?!

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~Hinata POV~

I walk off the bus to get greeted by Bokuto and Akaashi first as Bokuto is picking me up and throwing me around Akaashi is trying to get the Thick owl to put me down followed by Kuroo and Kenma saying hi to me and inviting me to hangout later everything was going well but then Noya grabbed my wrist and pulled me away to a room off to the side to talk by ourselves...

~Noya POV~

It bugs me how close Hinata is to Bokuto and Akaashi, Kuroo I can deal with and Kenma bothers me a little just because how close they are...I mean I have Tanaka shouldn't that be enough? No because I love my tangerine. "Bokuto put him down, come on he's gonna get sick." I hear Akaashi say as I turn to see a dizzy Hinata turn to have a conversation with Kenma and Kuroo I hear something about them hanging out alone later with the other two and I need to talk to him so I grab his wrist and pull him into the first empty room I see...

~3rd person POV~
(Nishinoya is in bold Hinata is in italics)

"We need to talk"
*what do we need to talk about what did I do this time*
"What about?"
This was a short filler chapter sorry it's not as long as the others but let me know how it's going in the comments :p
I'll try and double post today as both parts I had set are short :)
260 words.

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