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~3rd person POV~
The first two weeks went by fast and the last two weeks were used for cross team training and free time Noya and Hinata snuck around a lot of the time as to not get caught as Kuroo kept the information of being rejected and finding out Noya got Hinata over him.

~Noya POV~

"Sho, sunshine. Stop for a sec" I say between kisses, we are currently in a locked closet and he has me pushed against a wall making out with me which I don't mind obviously, but we have important things to talk about right now. "Shoyo seriously stop a minuet" he whines a little as I hold his shoulders and push him back "how long until you were going to tell me you haven't been sleeping right."

~Hinata POV~

"How long until you were going to tell me you haven't been sleeping right." Noya says and my eyes widen I stand there with my hair messed up lips puffy and red staring into the dark void of Noyas beautiful brown eyes. *how long how long how long until you tell me tell me tell ME?! How long how long how long how long!* how words replaying over and over my eyes growing wider breathing growing more rapidly *what if he leaves me now what if he thinks I'm a freak what if he doesn't like me now that he knows I'm not a hyperactive ball of sunshine* I can feel myself start to break down Noyas screams becoming whispers as my eyes grow heavy "I'm getting pretty fucking tired" I manage to whisper before slipping into a nice slumber.

~Noya POV~

I didn't know he was going to freak out when I asked I just wanted to know why he never told me and now hear I am trying to get him to calm down as he starts having an anxiety attack "shoyo baby calm down it's ok we don't have to talk about it" he doesn't hear me "HINATA IM RIGHT HERE FOCUS ON BREATHING ITS NOT A PROBLEM IM SO SORRY PLEASE STAY WITH ME CALM DOWN" it's not working "HINATA!!" I see him slowly slipping into unconscious "HINATAAAAA" I sprint down the hall tears streaming down my face Hinata in my arms I know he's only unconscious but my baby is hurting and it's my fault this is all my fault if I didn't ask him he wouldn't have had an anxiety attack...WHAT AM I SAYING if I didn't ask him I wouldn't be able to help him and that's all I want.

~Bokuto POV~

"When can we take the little tangerine to practice Akaashi?" I ask him only to be interrupted by someone yelling for help while sobbing I go to see where the yelling was coming from and I freeze in horror when I see a limp Hinata "NOYA WHAT HAPPENED" I scream "I-I-I asked h-him a *hic* q-question and he had a p-panic attack" Noya stumbled out between sobs "is he going to be ok?!" I say almost strangling Noya for hurting my little tangerine. "He needs rest and water" Noya states blankly his sobs nothing but a hiccup here or there "well let's get him to a bed yours or mine I don't care which ever is closer I'll get water and meet you in which dorm?" I ask "mine is a few hallways over room 437" Noya says "I'll meet you there" and with that I ran off to get the water and a few towels.

~Noya POV~

As I ran through the hallways to get to my dorm room I finally get there after what feels like eternity I notice his breathing has stabilized and he seems less limp I kick the door open and lay him down on the bed staring at his sleeping face, something I haven't seen since we started dating he was always awake when I fell asleep but always awake when I wake up I thought it was just that he slept less than me until one night I stayed up and realized he sighed and mumbled something about not sleeping again and being stuck in this loop. He kept mumbling on about being a burden which he definitely isn't I'm not sure why he feels that way we all love him and would help him I wish I could hurt whoever made him feel like this...

~Hinata POV~

*why didn't you tell me* "I-lm sorry I d-didnt mean to I w-wanted t-t-to tell y-y-y-you don't leave m-me I don't want to be a-a-alone" *why would I leave you* "y-you won't?" *I said I wouldn't silly* -HINATA WAKE UP- "Bokuto?"
I awoke with a startle Bokuto was on the ground and Noya stood over him anger on his tear streaked face "BOKUTO YOU IDIOT I SAID SHUT UP!" Noya yelled at Bokuto for screaming at me "Noya it's okay I'm okay" noya turned around and tackled me in a hug "SHOYO ARE YOU OK YOU REALLY FREAKED OUT BACK THERE I NEED YOU MY SUNSHINE DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN IM BEGGING YOU" Noya seemed scared "Noya I promise no more secrets and no more passing out without warning I love you okay" and I peppered his face in kisses forgetting that Bokuto was there "oh Bokuto mind keeping this between us" and he nodded and walked out *oh god what am I doing here...*
A\N thanks for reading kind of a bad chapter but I was rushed give me feedback love y'all
946 words

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