The BIG day and surprise

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  • Dedicado a Mom and Dad and Sister

                    Chapter 7     

          The BIG day and surprise

                        It was Saturday and time to move. Oliver wanted to come and check out the house with me. When I got into my room there were tie-dye polka dots on my bright pink walls. There was a built in flat screen TV, my own bathroom, a king size waterbed, a hot tub, a blue carpet flooring, also a laptop, and keys I went to the garage and found a green with black striped B.M.W convertible! “Where did you get the money for all this?” I questioned my dad. “I became a multibillion air with my hoodie with built in headphones.” He replied grinning. “Wow!” I said I was so shocked walked into my room and saw Oliver bouncing on my bed and he was actually laughing which was extremely rare. I stood in my door way and laughed into my arm then I jumped on top of him and we both started laughing together. “I have a confession to make, my mother just passed away and…” he drifted off and I saw tears roll down his face. I wiped them away and lifted his head up “I’ll be right back.” He nodded.

                           I left the room and went up too my dad and Kenna “Kenna are you still mad at Aimee?” I asked. “No she was joking and over tired.” She said. “Dad can Oliver and his sister, and Brother stay here their mom just passed away and …” mom interrupted “Of course we have 8 extra rooms. I hugged her and ran upstairs to Oliver. “My mum said you can live with us with Eric and Aimee!” I shouted. “R-R-really?” he stuttered. “Yes!” I exclaimed back. He hugged me tight and pulled his phone out calling Aimee and Eric they got driven over here in the Mustang.

                             “Holy sh*t!” shouted Eric and Aimee’s mouth dropped. They both hugged Oliver and thanked my mum. Oliver and Eric each had their own room, but Aimee deiced to share a room with Kenna. My room was next to Kennas’ and in the closet there was a secret doorway to our rooms good for spying. Oliver had a room 3 doors’, down the hall, my parents down stairs, >the only room down stairs< and Eric on the side of me. The room between Oliver and Kennas’ was the Guest room. I went to Oliver’s room and knocked on the door; he opened the door and opened it. “Hey Oliver do you want to watch a movie in my room?” I asked. “No thanks I’m studying for the math test.” He said and he had all his books out on the bed. “Okay I understand.” I said and walked back to my room.

                               There was a knock on the door and I opened it was my dad. “By the way you’re going to a new richer school with Oliver, and Eric.” Then he walked off and said call everyone to the kitchen. I did what I was told and he just told everyone what he told me. I text Bones and Emma Jean and told them Bones was sad but Emma didn’t care. She was like whatever and Bones had all these questions.  I told I would visit him and Emma every Saturday at ‘Friendly Bowl’ a bowling alley.

Callie's ListOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora