Where did I go WRONG?

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Where did I go WRONG?

                    I walked out of bathroom and into my room Oliver was gone. I laid down on my bed and sighed. What did I do? Where did I go wrong? When did this happen? I asked myself smacking my forehead. You dumb idiot I told myself this would have never happened if you stayed in the room. It was about 9:00 and I just cried myself to sleep.

                     When I woke up my eyes burned bad and Oliver was there. “I heard crying last night, are you okay?” he asked. “Yeah I’m fine!”  I sniffled. “It is Saturday so you can sleep in.” Oliver said. “Whatever, just go to a damn party!” I shouted and walked into the bathroom. “What is your DAMN problem?” He asked. “I’m not sure yet…” my voice trailed off. “Uh-hu.” He responded rolling his eyes. Was this really the guy I fell in love with my eyes looked up and down his body until they reached his face. “Ya’ know what… go die in a hole!” I shouted defending myself. “What did you just say?” Oliver huffed and turned bright red anger in his eyes. “You heard me, now either go away because I’m mad or dump me and listen to more crying because I realized it was my damn fault!” I screamed and stomped into the hot tub. “Fine I’m leaving to my bedroom!” he replied shouting.

                   I shrugged to myself and slowly let my body fall into the hot tub. My purple bikini blocked my parts so I didn't feel it there. I felt the hot bubbles blow on my back. Wow this feels good I thought and slowly lifted my body up and putting the bubbles and heat on low turning into a swimming pool. I did a cannon ball into the ball splashing water everywhere. “Hey watch where you’re splashing!” Oliver voice teased as he jumped in. “Why are you here?” I asked and his smile faded. “Damn it Callie I know I’m the one who fell in love with you is it ‘Washington Academy’ or have you changed!” he explained his face filled with rage.  “I, I, I don’t know!” I yelled bursting into tears running out of the pool onto my bed my face buried in a pillow.

                    “Come here Callie.” Oliver said softly sitting on the bed. I got up slowly and went into his arms and he rocked me back and forth.  “Look let’s start over and go on a date to the carnival or something in town.” He said holding me in his arms. I nodded and went into the bathroom and changed when I came out Oliver was changed. I walked over and he took my hand as we walked out. “Mom Dad Oliver and I are going out.” I called as we left through the front door.  Oliver and I went to the carnival down town. We rode all the rides twice except the tornado we rode that at least 16.

                       As we walked around I saw Jason and some girl at a few of the games she was always holding 1 more GIANT teddy bear. “I want a GIANT teddy bear.” I said snuggling up on Oliver. “Whatever you want.” He replied smiling. We walked over to this dart throwing game and Oliver won me a GIANTER teddy bear than that girl for a fact it was about 7’0 1 foot taller than me and 7 inches than Oliver. “I love it Oliver!” I squealed when he handed it to me. Jason walked by with the girl and her jaw dropped when she saw MY teddy not her MY teddy bear. “I want one that f**in big!” she screamed pointing at MY teddy bear. “I, I, holy sh*t” was all Jason managed to say. In your face little snobby girl with all the teddies is what I was thinking.

                         “Oliver let’s leave, okay?” I whispered. “Okay.”  He whispered back as we left. When we got home I ran upstairs with Oliver into my bedroom. “Thanks Oliver but you need a nickname I think I’ll call you quarter.” I laughed. “Umm… okay then I get to call you lamp.” He laughed back. “Okay well good night quarter see you in the morning.” I yawned. “Good night lamp.” He said and walked out the door. The next  morning I woke up at 10:47 mumbling >sh*t< to myself forgetting it was Sunday when I reached the door there was a sign that said {It’s Sunday lamp –Oliver} It made me smile as I changed into a blue tank top and some shorts instead of skinny jeans and a long sleeve black shirt.

                          I walked out the bedroom door into the kitchen where everyone was sitting eating my favorite SAUSAGE! I ran over and stole my dad’s sausage scarfing it down. “Hey that was mine.” My dad scolded staring at me. “I know!” I shot back smiling. I filled my plate with 4 pancakes and ate them each in 2 minutes flat. I finished and ended up washing dishing as a punishment for eating DAD’S sausage. I finished about an hour later and went to Kenna and Aimee’s room to give them makeovers!

                       “Aimee, Kenna I’m giving you a makeover!” Callie shouted slamming the door open. “No!” They both shouted at once. “Fine your loss.” she replied shrugging out the door. When she turned around she banged right into Eric with a new Red headed chick with blue highlights and a tank top with skinny jeans. “Owww.” She shouted. “Are you okay Bella?” He asked. “Yeah I’m okay.” She answered rubbing her head with her hand.

                        I just stomped past them and thought I’m hurt. I trudged down the stairs and went into the front lawn. “Callie what are doing at Eric’s house?” Asked Jason who was walking up the walk way. “He lives uh here with me.” I replied and his face went in shock.

“Wow that’s always cool I’m guessing Eric, Bella, Carmella, and I are going to the movies.” He told me, making me want to go with Oliver. “What are you going to see?” I asked. “I don’t know!” he confessed. “Oh that’s cool.” My voice trailed off. “Did you want to um go with Oliver?” Jason asked. I looked up and smiled “Can we?” I questioned back. “Yeah of course.” He replied. I ran upstairs and told Oliver he got on some nice clothes and we drove off to the movies like a triple date. We ended up watching ‘Zombie Land’ it was the goriest movie ever! I had nightmare that night and I woke up at 1:57 in the morning screaming and Oliver ran in.

                         “Are you okay?” He asked fluttering his eyes barely awake. “No, can I sleep in your room?” I asked. “Sure Callie.” He replied smirking. We walked down the hall and into Oliver’s room; I ended up sleeping on his sofa. The next morning I woke up at 10:00 and ran down the stairs to the downstairs bathroom Vomiting. Eric ran in and held my hair back, ‘he must have seen me run down the hall’ “Did Zombie Land make you sick?” He questioned.  “I don’t know.” I lied knowing it did. “I think so, I’m here for ya’” he answered. “Tha…” then I threw up and he held my hair back for me. He got up and looked in the medicine cabinet. “Here take some of this.” He said pointing at a bottle that said ‘Threw up be gone’ “Thanks Eric, air hug.” I smirked and put my arms up like a fake hug. He did the same back to me and smiled. “Well want a glass of water or something else?” He asked. I nodded.

                            When he brought the glass of water in I drank my medicine and then my glass of water. Oliver ran into the room and held me “Are you okay?” He asked “Where were you?” Interrupted Eric. “Sleeping after waking up early.” He shot back. “I’m fi…” then I threw up as Eric held my hair back. “I got it from here.” Said Oliver and then Eric left. “I’m here for you babe.” His voice like silk once again. “Yeah, I’m okay but where did I go wrong with you?” I asked. “You didn’t go wrong I did, thinking of leaving us.” He responded. My eyes fluttered and I knew I had fallen asleep. Oliver and I were meant to be I just knew it, as much as it hurt me when he said leaving us it made me smile inside too.

Callie's ListOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora