The rules Suck!

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  • Dedicated to My cats

                     Chapter 9

                  The rules suck!

                        “Callie, Oliver, John S, and Missy please report to the office but you’re not in trouble.” The intercom boomed. Oliver and I looked at each other and went to the office. “Please have a seat!” said Principal Tidge.  “John honey how many times have 9 maybe 10 I’m not sure.” He responded her. “Well you know we have a no dating policy.” She said and starred at me and Oliver. Oh crap is all that ran through my mind. “Missy, this is your first speech right.” She asked and Missy nodded. “You may leave, and John you may but next time you’re out!” she shouted in a mean tone. “You two your our new students, so this is a warning, and here is a hand guide with the all the rules.” Mrs. Tidge said more calmly this time. We looked at each other and Oliver winked. “You may leave.” She mumbled shooing us away.

                          “Oliver, I hope this doesn’t mean.” I drifted off. “Of course not.” He said shaking his head. After school I didn’t know what to do when I read the hand book and the 1st rule besides no dating was no sex or making out, kissing, evening f*cking hugging. I couldn’t live at this school. I walked through the door and yelled “I’m home with everyone!” They all ran upstairs but I ran into the kitchen of course for a snack, I grabbed a bright red juicy apple. The door bell rang “I got it!” I screamed. I opened it and looked at the girl she was skinny, with blue eyes, bleach blonde hair, and she was wearing tank top barley covering and a short mini skirt. “Who the f*ck are you?” I asked. “I’m Sassy looking for Eric.” She sassed back. “Eric.” I shouted and he came flying down the stairs. “Hey you want to come upstairs?” he asked ‘Sassy’. “Sure.” She replied and winked. He picked her up and brought ‘Sassy’ up stairs I followed them and went in my room.

                            I heard bouncing noises next door and couldn’t take it any more when I flew open the door and saw them. They were studying and laughing, and then Eric saw me. “Hey what were those banging noises?” I asked. “Oh we were rolling on the ground laughing.” He laughed and I walked back to my room. The next day Oliver and I didn’t talk followed by Sassy and Eric who were sent to the office for hugging in the hallway. This school was rules, rules, and more f*cking rules! “I hate this school!” I shouted walking out the school doors when the bell rang. I decided to let Oliver take the B.M.W home and I walked.

                              When I got home Oliver was in my room waiting for me. “Hey we umm… need to talk.” Oliver huffed. “I know.” I said and sat next to him. “Our relationship is breaking apart ya’ know?” Oliver said. “I know but this happens and that doesn’t mean we have to break apart.” I quickly spoke. “So then let’s go on a date or go swimming in your backyard.” He explained. “Our.” I corrected him. “Yeah, apparently our backyard.” He said and his smile slowly faded away and it made my heart sank. I didn’t feel good and I wanted to cry but I just walked away. “Where did I go wrong?” I asked myself and walked into the bathroom.

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