The new kid...

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                    “Class this is our new student Oliver Jinkens.” Boomed Mr. Franklin. “Hi.” He said in a voice so sweet it sounded like silk. “You’ll be sitting between Carter Jones and Callie Jordans; I know it’s not alphabetical but I like you there. Also you’ll share a locker with … >he paused< Callie, please raise your hand.” He boomed. I raised my hand and I thought I would faint.

                     Oliver was perfect he had dark midnight black hair and his bangs curbed to left covering his eyes barely reaching his nose and emerald green eyes that sparkled. He was wearing a black t-shirt that said ‘ACDC.’ His Jeans weren’t baggy showing his boxers, his shoes where white and glistened in the sun. “Callie will be in all your classes and show where to go.” Mr. Franklin said as the bell rang. “So what’s next?” he asked in his silky voice. “Science.” I replied softly, I felt myself blush.  “Ya’ know your blushing do you like me?” he questioned in a flat tone not meaning to be mean. “I don’t know that’s for me to know and for you to find out.” I answered as he looked at me curious. “Huh you’re a player.” He sounded much more serious. “Maybe.” I replied as I blinked fast teasing him. He just rolled his eyes and followed me to science.

                       Ms. Bee moved Carter to a table in the front next to this mentally challenged kid named: Xsoro. Oliver was sat next to me; I was smiling inside thinking yay! Well Oliver was as smart as a wick he got a 100% on his test on the first day! I looked at him and said “I would try not to be a smart nerd, because I could get 100% but I would get picked on.” “Oh wow, who cares.” He said and gave me a smirk and looked away. Wow he was adorable if only… I thought. The bell rang and we left for next period was Reading.

                      At lunch every girl stared at Oliver and snickered to their friends. Today I had brought my own lunch and went to the vending machine anyway. “Where do we sit?” Oliver asked I recognized his voice and scent of lavender. “At that table in the corner where that guy is sitting.” I replied. I grabbed my cookies and ran to catch up with him, when we reached the table I told Bones “This is Oliver the new kid.” “Hello Ol-iv-er.” Said Bones. “Sup?”  Oliver answered. “Oliver this is Bones.” I said in a funny tone. Suddenly Emma Jean walked over with some girl. “Hey guys this is Madeline, my friend I usually sit with.” Emma said in a perky voice. “Hey.” Called Madeline in a spunky tone realizing she was more of a loud person unlike Emma.

                         “Madeline?” questioned Oliver. “Olive?” she responded. “You two know each other?” Asked Emma shocked. “He’s my cousin.” She replied still spunky. Oliver was so annoyed when the two of the triplets walked over like they were his sisters. “Oliver we saved you a seat.” Sara said as she sounded angry. “Yeah.” Followed Clara. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” shouted Oliver not sounding like silk anymore. The girls walked away and Sara gave him an evil glare. “Wow Oliver.” Said Emma as she stared at him Bones did not look impressed. “Emma you ready?” asked Bones. “Yeah, are you coming Madeline?” Answered Emma. “Yeah.” As they said there byes to Oliver except Bones.  “Where do you live?” I asked Oliver. “121 Junes road.” He replied. “I live on 149 Junes road.” I said. We looked at each other and stared with and he finally broke the silence with “Yeah my parents just divorced and I live with my mom, my dad lives in the next town over and he’s mad rich.” “That’s sad.” I simply replied. “Yeah okay meet my dad and then say that.” He sounded surprised. “Um okay.” I laughed at him.  “I have the greatest feeling about you, you’re funny and loving!” he shouted at me and grabbed my hand.

                               “Where are we going?” I asked as he dragged me out the cafeteria. “To the basement see my Aunt owns this school and all the others.” He said. “Not now we have biology.” I scolded. “Oh after at skill block?”He asked. “Okay.” I replied and walked to class trying to let go of his hand. “Nope I’m not letting go!” he smirked. When we got to biology he held my hand under the desk and wouldn’t let go.  Biology went by so fast. “Ready?” he asked with the biggest grin. “Sure.” I replied scared of what was down there. “Shut your eyes!”He exclaimed. I shut my eyes but he blindfolded me anyway. I tried peeking but I couldn’t see anything but black. “Ta –Da!” he screeched and took off my blindfold there was a little pink box and he told “me to open it.” I did and found a  necklace. I covered my mouth and started to cry. “Thank you.” I burst into tears. “I knew I would meet a girl here I liked.” He said and raised my head and wiped my tears away. We left the basement with his arm over my shoulder. When we got back to 8th grade the bell rang and we went down stairs. A mustang pulled up front and Oliver said “Come on we’ll drop you off at home.” “Okay.” I said and hugged Oliver.

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