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When Yoongi went back to see Jimin the following night, Namjoon pulled him to one side.

"He's a little erratic today." Namjoon said.

"You told him he's going home."

Namjoon nodded.

"He's afraid of it all starting up again."


Namjoon hummed.

"I'll see if I can calm him a little now and see how it goes later."

"Jimin will probably be happy to see you, you've become his safe place."

Yoongi nodded. The only problem now was giving Jimin the coping mechanisms for the outside world.

"Hey." Yoongi said as he watched Jimin pace his room. "What's wrong?"

"T-they want to send me back out there." Jimin whispered quietly.

Jimin turned to face Yoongi and Yoongi could see that Jimin was shaking head to toe.

"Come here." Yoongi said calmly and held his arms open for Jimin.

Yoongi didn't need to ask why that was a bad thing he knew that Jimin wouldn't be happy about leaving and having to cope alone.

Jimin almost ran to Yoongi and buried his face in Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi heard Jimin take a deep breath through his nose and the shaking started to slow.

"Better?" Yoongi asked after a few minutes.

Jimin nodded.

"Thank you." Jimin said quietly into Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi shivered before he could stop it, Jimin's lips brushing over the skin on his neck having an effect Yoongi wasn't prepared for.

"I wish I could take you with me. You really help you know?"

Yoongi swallowed hard.

"I could help you for a while when you go back home."


"Yeah, we could do the same as we do here. I can come to you at night help you sleep and go in the morning."

Jimin lifted his head and looked at Yoongi. Their faces were so close, their breath mingling together, just a little further forward and Yoongi could press his lips...

"I'd like that." Jimin said and pulled out of Yoongi's arms and laid on his bed.

Yoongi let out the breath he had been holding and shook his head.

It wouldn't be a good idea to catch feelings, Jimin was a patient of sorts.

If they had met under different circumstances and if Jimin was that way inclined, then maybe...

"I'll be back later." Yoongi said.

"Ok." Jimin muttered.

"You're amazing." Namjoon said still staring at Jimin's camera screen.

Yoongi flushed.

"I'm nothing special."

"We tried everything to calm him down and you come along and it's like he's taken Valium." Namjoon chuckled.

"I offered to see him at home." Yoongi mumbled.

"You did what?! You never..."

"I know, but I think Jimin is going to need me."

"You care about him."

"I care about everyone I help."

"Yeah, but..."

Yoongi held up his hand.

"Don't read into this Joon. If he's not going to be here longer then I need to help at home."

Jimin was already on his bed waiting for Yoongi when he went back to Jimin.

"When do you go home?" Yoongi asked.

"Tomorrow." Jimin said looking up at Yoongi, his eyes as big as saucers and glassy with tears.

"Hey. Don't. You can do this, and you have me to help. I'll be there tomorrow night just as I've been every night since you've been here."

Yoongi laid on Jimin's bed and pulled Jimin to him.

Jimin placed his head on Yoongi's shoulder a sniffed. 

"Promise?" Jimin asked his voice close to breaking.

"Promise. For as long as you need me." Yoongi held up his pinky finger and Jimin linked his with it.

Jimin quieted down and was calm before he had even shed a tear.

Yoongi laid staring at the ceiling with Jimin curled into his side. It wasn't until Jimin threw his leg over Yoongi's thigh that he realised that Jimin had fallen asleep. 


It was going to be harder to extract himself from Jimin this way.

Yoongi waited a little while longer and slowly tried to edge towards the edge of the bed.

Jimin's fist tightened on the front of Yoongi's shirt, and his foot hooked around Yoongi's knee.

"Shit, Jimin." Yoongi quietly cursed.

Yoongi gently reached behind Jimin and pulled a pillow towards them. He lifted Jimin's arm slowly and slid the pillow between Jimin's arm and Yoongi's chest and then placed Jimin's arm back down.

Jimin's arm instinctively tightened round the pillow.

Yoongi pulled his chest away from Jimin and sat up, pulling his legs from underneath Jimin's.

Yoongi sat on the edge of the bed and looked over his shoulder at Jimin still sleeping peacefully. He shook his head and left the room.

Namjoon turned to look at Yoongi as he walked in the room.

"Don't!" Yoongi grunted.

Namjoon laughed out loud.

"I'm sorry but that was funny to watch, you trying to escape Jimin's clutches."

Yoongi bit is bottom lip to stop himself smiling and shook his head.

"I didn't even think that he may have been that tired." Yoongi said.

"It's been a long day for him. He's been on edge all day."

"Yeah, that's true." Yoongi sighed.

"Go and get some sleep. I'll let you know if he wakes up." 

"Yeah, Ok. Thanks."

Yoongi laid on top of the covers on the bed and closed his eyes. It always took him longer than it used to for him to fall asleep. Ever since Jimin came into his life Yoongi found that most of his thoughts revolved around the pink haired boy and if he was ok.

Yoongi eventually drifted off to sleep with thoughts of Jimin floating through his mind.

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