{2} Star Dork [Lomile]

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Logan x Emile

243 Words

Summary: Logan thinks Emile's freckles look like stars


Logan looked up from where he lay on his boyfriend's lap, looking at the tiny dots that coated Emile’s face. Emile was distracted by the television, watching some cartoon movie like he usually loved to do. Logan didn’t care much for the movie, but rather he enjoyed being with his partner. The nerd was especially focused on his freckles, the way they scattered across his face, his features themselves becoming a galaxy to him. The adorable star system on his face complimented his round grey-blue eyes shining behind his roundish glasses. Absentmindedly, Logan started tracing his finger across the freckles, not noticing Emile looking at him. 

"Bellus nitidus” Logan mumbled, lost in the stars on Emile’s face and in his eyes.

Emile giggled, “What’s that mean?”

Logan blinked out of his trance, quickly dropping his hand down, “It… it means ‘bright and beautiful’. I was referring to your freckles- they look like constellations, so I named it.” 

Emile smiled, his freckled face dusted with pink blush. “Aw well, they’re nothing special,” Emile giggled nervously. 

“Emile,” Logan sat up close to Emile and smiled, “You are far more beautiful than any galaxy.” Emile couldn’t fight back a hopeless grin, blushing furiously. Logan laughed and connected their lips, holding them for a bit. Once they seperated, Emile leaned to lay on Logan’s chest, settling himself and continuing to watch his movie. Logan couldn’t have asked for a more perfect evening.

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