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I walk into the Great Hall, still star struck from the incident with Draco. I walk to the Gryffindor table. I can feel Draco's eyes on be but I don't dare turn and look at him.

I quite very utterly confused with Draco. I'm not sure if maybe he liked me, maybe he was playing with me, or maybe he wants to sleep with me. I guess time will tell.

I thought silently, while I sat down beside Ron.

"Blimey, Eliza. Where have you been?" Ron says, shocked that I appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes Eliza, where were you? You missed half of lunch" Hermione complained from across from me.

"I know where she was" said George. "Shaggin Draco Malfoy!" Followed Fred.

"Shut it Weasleys. I wasn't doing such a thing!" I cried. But deep down I was worried that the twins saw me behind the wall with Draco.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at me suspiciously.

"What do you mean she was 'shaggin Malfoy'?" Questioned Harry, his voice becoming dangerously high.

A few heads around a the gryffindor table turn to watch the show.

"Harry their only messin' I wouldn't dare touch off of Malfoy" I try to assure Harry. I'm lying. I  hate lying to peoplem especially someone I'm as close with as Harry. Harry is my other half. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Harry doesn't look very convinced. He turns back to the twins.

"Did you see something?" The twins look over at me, and I quickly shake my head at the twins. Making sure no one sees me doing so.

"Nah we didn't Harry. We were just messin" said Fred, clearly seeing my warning. "Why you jealous Harry?" George sniggered.

"Oh shut it George" Harry rolled his eyes. "I just don't want Eliza to be hamging around with some dirty Slytherin like Malfoy"

Harry's words hurt me. Draco wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be. He just goes through alot. But either way, I kept quiet.

"You don't have to worry" I tell Harry, quietly. Before walking away.

As I make my way out of the Great Hall, I hear footsteps running behind me. I turn around to see Fred and George. The stop infront of me.

"We say you and Draco..." George says slowly.

"He was all over me, but I didn't nothing with him. I swear." I say, really fast.

"We don't care if you doing anything wiyh Malfoy" Fred smiles. "Ye we like you for you we don't care who you're with" George says.

I feel a warm smile come across my face. I quickly reach up (the twins are alot taller than me) and hug them both.

"Thankyou" I whisper in their ear. "But I swear nothing is going on between me and Draco."

I'm not sure if the twins believed me, but it didn't really matter anyways considering they don't care. That's why I love the twins. They never judge me for anything.

"We know you were still shaggin him tho" Fred winks at me as they both pull away from the hug.

And they always seem to find a way to make me laugh.

"Oh shutup!" I laugh as I walk with the twins to the common room.

I jump on the couch, in the middle of Fred and George. They both put their arms around the back of the couch behind me head.

"So. What was it like?" Questioned George.

"Was he good at it?" Fred also questions.

I stand up laughing, and slap both of their chests. "Omg! Stop it will you two."

"You so loved it." Fred shouted to me.

I stuck my middle finger up at him before making my way to my dorm.

I went into the bathroom and fixed up my makeup a little. Then went back down, to finish my classes.

The rest of the day went by in a blur and before I know it I'm laying in bed, Hermione across from me. While we talk quietly.

"Hey, did you hear about the massive party tomorrow night? It's a slytherin party" Hermione whispers to me. It was strange to have her knowing about a slytherin party.

"Um, no why would I? Speaking of, how do you know there's a slytherin party" I question and sit up in my bed to get a better look and the girl across the room.

"Oh-I um, I just over heard some people from Slytherin talking about it." She says.

I can tell she's hiding something but I don't push it.

I nod my head slowly.

"So what, are you going?" I ask.

"Well, I kinda wanted to see what the slytherin partys are like. They must be so much different then the gryffindor ones." She says quietly, avoiding eye contact with me. "So I was going to ask you to come with me"

Thinking of being in a room full of slytherins didn't sound fun. But what did sound fun, is looking sexy in front of Malfoy. I thought about it for a second before agreeing to go with Hermione. She squealed with excitement. I quickly hushed her so she wouldn't waks up the other girls in the room.

"Thankyou Eliza. I knew you would understand." I laugh at Hermione.

"Get some sleep" I tell her before laying back down and switching my lamp off.

His Obsession- Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora