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That night, I dream of Draco. I dream of how different it would be if I stayed friends with him. What it would be like to have his arms around me. To star gaze with him.

The next morning I wake him with a pounding headache and the urge to get puke. Hermione stood over me, dressed fully. Already ready for school. She clicked her fingers in my face making me flinch away. "Wake up Eliza! Wakey time!"

"I'm awake!" I groan and flick away her hand. I sit up and instantly regret it when the sun hits my face. I shade my eyes with my hand.

"What happened to your hand?!" Hermione gasps and runs over time.

I struggled to come up with a lie, but then quickly thought of one. "During the summer I slit my hand, so just got a few stitches"

"I'm almost sure there was no bandage on your hand yesterday" she says, suspiciously.

"Um-ye there was. You obviously just didn't see it." I say calmly as I stand up from bed. "Or maybe your just going crazy"

She laughs at my statement and I let out a sigh of relief when I take her mind off of the bandage. Today I wan't to feel extra hot. So while Hermione is laying on her bed reading, I'm in the bathroom getting ready. I put on a padded black, lacy bra with a matching thong. I put on my skirt and roll it up higher than usual. Today I'm also wearing socks so it shows off my thighs. I throw on my shirt and button it up. But I decide to leave the two top buttons undone. I put my cloak on me but leave it open so I can show off my tight shirt. I brush through my hair until it's not frizzy anymore, just a small bit wavy. I do a once ovef of myself in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom.

Hermione watches me. "Who are you trying to impress?"

"Hmm? Oh- no one. Just want to look good today."

She looks at me suspiciously before nodding her head. "Well whoever he is, he's lucky! You look hot"

I laugh and grab my bag. "Thanks" he both walk out into our common room and see Harry and Ron sitting on a couch infront of the fire. When they see us the smile, but both their jaws drop when they see me.

"Uh y-you're look especially different today Eliza" Ron says. His cheeks starts to go a deep shade of red.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Hermione shift on her feet. I feel bad because I know how much she likes Ron.

But I still laugh at his shyness. "Thanks Ron."

Harry smiles at me a gives me a once over. "you do look really good today Eliza"

I blush at Harry's words. "Thankyou, Harry. You fix up well yourself"

"Oh t-thanks"

With that we begin walking to breakfast. As I walk into the hall, I feel everyones eyes on me. I watch as boys bite their lips and look me up and down, but my eyes land on one boy that stands out. A hufflepuff kid. When I catch him staring he smiles at me sweetly, before turning back to his friends. I turn away and quickly make my way up to the Gryffindor table and take a seat between Neville Longbottom and Fred Weasley.

"Oh hey Eliza!" Neville perks up. "Hey Neville. You still have your toad?" I ask.

"Well I kind of lost him again"

I laugh at poor Neville before turning to the rest of the group.

Fred nudges me a little, making the soup I had just poured into my mouth pour straight back into my bowl. I roll my eyes and look up at Fred.

"Yes?" I question. Clearly annoyed.

"Ooh! Hot and a bad attitude. She has got the whole package this year" I laugh at Freds words.

I tuck back into my soap but all too soon we're dismissed to our classes. As I stand up from my seat and grsb my bag, I am parted from the trio, as there's too much students. I walk out of the hall anyway, knowing I will see them Herbology. When I walk out the great hall I dont get very far before someone pulls me back by the arm. I go crashing into their chest but they hold my waist to stop me from falling. I look up to see the one and only. Draco Malfoy.

"Oh hi" I gasp at Draco. His hands stay on my waist, and he keeps me close to him.

"How is your hand?" He questions. I have been so busy so far today I have forgotten all about it. "Oh ye it's going good."

I look back up at him and I catch him staring at my breats but as soon as he sees me watching him he looks back up to my eyes. "You're getting a lot of stares today" he smirks.

"Ye and you're one of the people to stare"

His smirks grows wider as his hands move a little lower on my back. "Maybe"

Before we can say anything else my fat-Snape storms up infront of us. Draco is quick to pull away from me.

"Nasty cut you got there Ms.-Weasley" he states coldly. It kills me to hear him call me a Weasley, not that I'm ashamed or anything, it's just I'm not a Weasley I'm a Snape.

His daughter.

His Obsession- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now