The Readers personality and Aesthetic

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* Note; I do not want to offend people when I mention Mental Health, nor am I someone that could diagnose you. *


- Growing up you were a shy but kind person, as you got very comfortable with Gumball, you began to show your true colors.

- You are a very adventurous person and you always preferably want to be outdoors rather indoors. Even if Gumball would beg you to stay indoors some days and watch tv, you didn't mind.

_ You are a hyper person, and having moments of eating some sort of sweets an cause you to go on a sugar high, so Gumball makes sure to take care of you during your sugar high

- You are known to be a very sympathetic person

- You are very book smart, but not so street smart

- Your aesthetic is Cottagecore


- You are what people call popular

- You are always making new friends and talking to people

- Very approachable

- You are also very goofy, so you tend to mess up people here and there

- You are also looking forward to shopping for new brand clothes, shoes, and bling; practically a diva

- Your aesthetic is Baddie


- You are a very shy and anxious person

- You are considered a nerd, but you really not

- You prefer to be alone and away from people

- You are the sweetest person and you can never say 'no'

- You tend to daydream a lot

- Your aesthetic is both Ethereal and Soft girl


- You are very depressed and suffer from PTSD

- You were never really allowed to go out, only when you had to buy food and such

- You are a very great listener and a good shoulder to cry on

- You are a very strong person, you only cry when you you either held in all the emotions or because of your PTSD and flashbacks of your mom

- You really enjoy poetry and reading

- Your aesthetic is Emo/Egirl


- You are not afraid to speak your mind

- You are very loyal

- You can be very insecure

- You can either be a soft girl or a tough girl, depending on the situation

- Your friends consider you as a mom

- Your aesthetic is both Indie and Minimalist

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